the thread about nothing...

Man I have been laughing at everything today. Stuff that isn't even funny is cracking me up. 
did it start when you looked in the mirror first thing in the morning?
Somehow I'm the only person that got sick from Christmas dinner. This is trip #12 in the last 24 hours :x
This Pepto Bismal not doing it's job :smh: Pray for me fambs.
Tonight I’m gonna dance for all that we've been through
But I don't want to dance if I’m not dancing with you :frown:
Tonight I’m gonna dance like you were in this room
But I don't want to dance if I’m not dancing with you |I

it was good :smh:
I have a quick paypal question for TAN. If my account has $115, and I want to make a purchase for $125. Will it take the remaining $10 from my linked bank account if I have money in there?

Rep for help 
Coo, thanks fam. I was worried for a sec, but my order went through so I wasnt trippin.

And to the guy with constant restroom trips.... I feel for you and am right there with you 

How I really feel... Stomach on HURT
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