the thread about nothing...

simple directions cant be followed already
My inbox doesn't work.
well that proves you are a FED. 
i forgot how funny the christmas woodland critters from south park were
Got a PS3 for christmas, what games should I get? It came with Uncharted 3 but I'm only buying exclusives, 360 is still gonna be my main console.
Besides that I'm picking up MGS4 and Heavy Rain tomorrow, anything else?
dont get heavy rain
Bought a black scale hoodie because I liked it, but I'm curious as to what's NT opinion on their stuff?

Copped this one:

I like Black Scale. Have a couple of their pieces.

I have the VSVP tee, wasn't a huge fan of the hoodie.
that Pyrex stuff might be the WOAT clothing line ever...

I never saw him wear that TI$A crap so I assumed he didn't support his friend's hypebeast clothing lines out of respect for himself and to distance himself from the I$$ sheep.
lost so much respect for 'Ye for wearing/supporting that crap.
hope it doesn't rain tomorrow, i got court in malibu and want to go skate at the venice skatepark after
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