the thread about nothing...

Merry X-Mas TAN family, hoping to pig out on some Chinese food today.
Genral Tsos Comb. Platter with egg roll and Beef on a stick FTW :nthat:
Merry Christmas fambs

that's really cute! she's so adorable!
sorry for this short rant...

It's sad, but I really hate Christmas with the fambs... my family is at this stage where they don't have much money and are getting older so it
doesn't really feel like the same Christmas from when I was a kid, no lights, no tree, no presents, just grab a plate of food and go sit down somewhere :frown:
So, it's time for me to step up and establish my own Christmas thing but I'm just 19 :\ I'm really thankful for my job this year.


that's really cute! she's so adorable!
sorry for this short rant...

It's sad, but I really hate Christmas with the fambs... my family is at this stage where they don't have much money and are getting older so it
doesn't really feel like the same Christmas from when I was a kid, no lights, no tree, no presents, just grab a plate of food and go sit down somewhere :frown:
So, it's time for me to step up and establish my own Christmas thing but I'm just 19 :\ I'm really thankful for my job this year.



Me and my family havent had a tree in the last 4 years. My brother and I are a little older than you (I'm 26, he's 23), so I can understand how you feel. But Christmas doesnt have to be about the presents and stuff. Use it as a chance to get together with family that you dont see all the time, you need to INSIST that everybody eat around the table. Either way, make something enjoyable out of it regardless.

God bless you and yours though
I can only imagine what Christmas is like for the parents of the kids from Sandy Hook. To look under the tree, and see presents that you will never be able to give your child......We all need to have a moment of silence around the dinner table, and remember those babies
What are some certified Merry Christmas texts to chicks just met to set up the acquisition of YAMBs in the new year?? :nerd:
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When I say: "It's cold."

Other person: "This isn't cold. I know cold. I used to live in _____."

>: Such a dumb, yet typical response. I also been places that were much colder than this..Don't mean it isn't chilly here just because you've been in lower temperatures. Idiots. Don't ever be the one-up person, NT. You look/sound like a douche.

*takes deep breath*

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What are some certified Merry Christmas texts to chicks just met to set up the acquisition of YAMBs in the new year??
keep it simple.

i want to **** you for new years, trust me
I went in teh "what did you get for christmas" thread and this _ DaulDierce is jsut gonna jack me for my avy :smh:
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