the thread about nothing...

no way bruh


no joke, my wife is about to wake up to a flooded kitchen :D
for some reason my MPG on my car has been getting gradually worse over the past couple weeks. It dropped from 14.5 mpg to 12.9 :x

wheres Dankenstein when you need him :\
Truth be told, never eem seen an episode of Dexter. I just know buddy's(they guy who plays Dexter) resume isn't too deep.
I need some help bros. Is it possible to scan a document and edit the text without tampering with the original format? I googled it and it seems photoshop could do the trick. Yes?
Whats up with these strap backs phase now. I know about the Just Don hats, but I was Christmas shopping yesterday and these group of teens were all wearing straps and were yelling Can't touch our Swag. 
 Do people really buy these hats. I think they're ugly. 
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