the thread about nothing...

What you know about this gift wrapping job
let me guess....its a whoopee cushion ?
Nope. Two N64 Controllers and Mario Party 2
What you know about this gift wrapping job
let me guess....its a whoopee cushion ?

What you know about this gift wrapping job
 that's how my wrapping looks
Yup no dambs given at all. The horribly wrapped gifts go well with the struggle tree.
3 was my favorite back in the day. I hardly remember 1 now that I think about it. Gotta check Amazon for it.
i fondly remembered the mini game cast away - both broke your controller and left your hands callous..
It was 19 degrees yesterday. Then factor in the wind tunnels that hit you between buildings, no wonder crime drops in the winter here, you'd be a fool to be outside any longer than you have to.
I ended up watching "That's my Boy." It was pretty good.

I have some dumb questions.
Do you guys appreciate me?Is there anything wrong calling a girl cute in the WDYWT thread?
For the last 36 hours,I felt like I was getting spat on here on NT.


I haven't been in those threads in some time.
I'll post this again.
Someone doesn't like me for posting a Zooey gif in here everyday.I did say that I was gonna post one here in
everyday for Dec.Someone doesn't like me for contributing in every women threads.He said it takes skills to earn reps.My A___.
I opened a can of worms in the WDYWT thread by saying she was cute and these mumbo jumbo came in.
Dudes were offended over her licking her sole, c'mon. :smh:

you're cool in my book, and I appreciate what you bring to NT, but the fact that you're concerned about what some dudes miles away think over the internet is the ultimate female trait. Just forget about it and keep doing what you been doin
i just hope that my bald tattooed hooligan cousins dont show up to my parents house...

they're just WAY too much..i love my fam but damn..

i make my mom promise me that there will be no surprises 

theres a time and place to be rowdy but these dudes do it any chance they get..

any family gathering turns into a drinking contest, then a rap battle then a boxing match..

x a million at all the dudes calling each other papi and blowing e-kisses at each other...
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