the thread about nothing...



Wasn't that a show on mtv?

I never watched it, but that butt seems oddly familar.
what's the rules of having 2 screen names? Do I have to dead this one?
wait so I have to get myself banned?

because I remember ricky had that other sn handullz or something like that

There are no rules against having multiple SNs.

There are, however, rules against trollin' and fraudulent activity, and well, more often than not, this is what people use secondary/tertiary etc SNs for. It's for this reason why second+ SNs are frowned upon.

I don't sell and/or buy shoes, and I don't "troll", so I have no problems admitting that I have a second SN. This one that I am posting on is my OG and I switched to it once it became common knowledge that the Huddler platform allows you to revive former SNs from banned camp...:lol: (originally got banned for making a joke in a past PYP thread).

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Anyone know the this NTer's screen name? Forgot what the thread was about, but it was something along the lines of the OP feeling down and needed some talk out some stuff. One NT replied with some words and then at the end of post said that if anyone on NT ever needed to talk he would be available to listen to what they have to say...? Anyone remember?
what's the rules of having 2 screen names? Do I have to dead this one?
wait so I have to get myself banned?

because I remember ricky had that other sn handullz or something like that

There are no rules against having multiple SNs.

There are, however, rules against trollin' and fraudulent activity, and well, more often than not, this is what people use secondary/tertiary etc SNs for. It's for this reason why second+ SNs are frowned upon.

I don't sell and/or buy shoes, and I don't "troll", so I have no problems admitting that I have a second SN. This one that I am posting on is my OG and I switched to it once it became common knowledge that the Huddler platform allows you to revive former SNs from banned camp...
(originally got banned for making a joke in a past PYP thread).

what was the joke? 
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