the thread about nothing...

hey guys I got a question:
Do I?
A. Buy a CDP VI/XVII pack for $535?


B. Buy the Xmas KDs & Chicago 1s for about $240?

and dont answer w/ that whole "buy what you like" BS. because I like both of em & have been chasing the Carmines for the better part of 3 years...
12/21/2012 already in some countries ....
People who steal others food at work :lol: :smh:

Thats some serious low life **** :lol:

my friend posted a status about this today :lol: said somebody drank her half full drink out of the work fridge.

:smh: :stoneface: when your tablet freezes a little while your on something NSFW


People who steal others food at work :lol: :smh:

Thats a dead man walking

fixed for truth

r.i.p to all of yall
it's been fun.
except the cat haters
no r.i.p for yall.

strong that ^

12/21/2012 already in some countries ....

da end is nigh, hope yall got some end of the world yambs on deck.
hey guys I got a question:
Do I?
A. Buy a CDP VI/XVII pack for $535?


B. Buy the Xmas KDs & Chicago 1s for about $240?

and dont answer w/ that whole "buy what you like" BS. because I like both of em & have been chasing the Carmines for the better part of 3 years...
what language is this?

we don't understand that language in the TAN.
all I'm saying is that the main riffs in Pantera's song Becoming is just disgustingly

also the chick in the movie Pitch Perfect and Up In The Air is hot. no AWG
hey guys I got a question:
Do I?
A. Buy a CDP VI/XVII pack for $535?


B. Buy the Xmas KDs & Chicago 1s for about $240?

and dont answer w/ that whole "buy what you like" BS. because I like both of em & have been chasing the Carmines for the better part of 3 years...


Which 1 was a worse draft blunder by the blazers:

A. Bowie over Jordan?


B. Oden over Durant?

Did you guys ever play "slap the bag" in high school or college?
It is the most pointless, but fun drinking game ever.
My dude Big Tom actually broke the bag once. I didn't even know this was possible. But I'm talking about same kid who had to order an NFL helmet for our high schools football team.
spacebaggin it... good times
Did you guys ever play "slap the bag" in high school or college?

It is the most pointless, but fun drinking game ever.

My dude Big Tom actually broke the bag once. I didn't even know this was possible. But I'm talking about same kid who had to order an NFL helmet for our high schools football team.
how's it played?
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