the thread about nothing...


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Does anyone know the name of the game with bouncy balls/ balloons that you had to turn into smaller ones and eventually pop? You would shoot metal arrows with cords attached to them into the air to try and pop the balloons/balls the game was on the original playstation i think.

Question revised.
TAN! I need ya'll advice. :\

Basically, 2 months ago I got with what should have been a jump off...but caught feelings. Yes, rookie mistake. I'm past it. She ****** some other dude and I got pissed and ended it. I felt like If I'm ******g someone I don't want someone else dippin in and then me. That's gross. Anyways, ignored her from there on out. She tried to hit me up. Like 3 times max all weeks apart from each other.

Go to a house party yesterday and she's there. :smh: Don't say a word to each other. She was shoook.

Got silly. Had fun. Went home. Didn't realize it...texted her saying "couldn't even say hi though..?" she calls, I guess we talk for a couple minutes and we argue and hang up.

Texts me today saying Hi. I respond. Asks if we could meet up. Said if she wants to drive over and swoop I'm down.

Sitting and talking. She tells me some wild ****. First basic stuff like, "i've been miserable the past month. i think about you every single morning. i cried about you for days. i deleted every single guy i was in contact with. i want you so ******g bad." and goes onnnnn. I go in and make her feel like ****. We still talk because **** me for being human and getting satisfaction out of her grief. But I tell her straight up that because I even talked to her tonight she'd be FINE tomorrow. She said no.

YO. Then she says, "i want to make you the happiest man alive. i'll bend over backwards for you. i'll do ANYTHING. want me to tattoo your name on my shoulder? if you were to move to LA tomorrow to chase your dreams, i'll come... you're my other half." :wow: :lol:

She then started kissin on me and what not, my dumbass let her. And THEN she asks if I want to go to her house on christmas to meet her fam.. :wow: :lol:

Said I had no more to say. Drove me home. Diddy bopped inside. Jumped on NT.

Ya'll. Am I crazy if I smash again or even....try to make it work again. If i need some sense slapped into me, please do it. I've been lonely man.

BTW. Ever since me and her stopped I been in the gym EVERY SINGLE DAY since. She seen me yesterday in my breds and arms popping out the shirt and hearing all the compliments and I was :smokin :lol:



TAN! I need ya'll advice. :\
She ****** some other dude and i ended it. I felt like If I'm ******g someone I don't want someone else dippin in and then me. That's gross. Anyways, ignored her from there on out.

bro, theres too many birds in freakmont to be fallin for one another dude was digging out at the same time as you, srs
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How did the rejection go?

Give us a play by play!
It was alright I guess.
Ok but how did it go down, what was said, what would you have done differently, any regrets? Etc

Yes, I'm bored. Post the story. By the way, I'm visiting some girl this month about 6 hours away and she's giving me all the signs that she wants me to smash her. Should I go through with it?

6 hours doe :x

send her this

thank me later

Has anyone ever actually ridden one of these Mega buses? This comes to mind for me :lol:

If there is a painting of this I need it in my life asap...If not ima just print it out and put on my wall regardless

Nevermind I found the painting it goes for $4,200
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TAN! I need ya'll advice. :\

Basically, 2 months ago I got with what should have been a jump off...but caught feelings. Yes, rookie mistake. I'm past it. She ****** some other dude and I got pissed and ended it. I felt like If I'm ******g someone I don't want someone else dippin in and then me. That's gross. Anyways, ignored her from there on out. She tried to hit me up. Like 3 times max all weeks apart from each other.


Did your relationship start off as a friends-with-benefits kinda thing? If so, that's already a bad way to start things off.
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