the thread about nothing...

Decided to go back to school thinking that I would have enough financial aid to cover tuition and fees but i now i see that this may not be the case :smh:

Have to come up with $1200 by January which is pretty much impossible with my current financial situation, and i don't have anything to sell right now. Currently hoping that one of these seasonal jobs i applied for or this UPS job come through in the clutch.
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If you pirate something, do you have any right to voice an opinion on its quality/entertainment value?

that's like going to walmart to complain about an item that you stole from them.

this right here. I hate going on pbay and seeing dudes complaining about the quality.

"A - 7, V - 6, M - 4. why did you even create this torrent?"

"wow I can't believe I wasted my time downloading this album..."

If the world ended tomorrow, I think I would be perfectly ok with it
don't get me wrong Dank, I love the murdered out look ESP driving at night :pimp:

But a fahrenheit orange GTI speeding on the highway during the summer >
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