the thread about nothing...

It'll be 8 years pretty soon since my mom passed away and I've thought about her every day since.

Take it from me, NT Bros...... Love 'em while they're here because nobody is ever gonna love you like your mom will.

lost my mom in May 08 bro, I know the feeling

:nerd: :rofl:

That pic had me crackin up. On another note, my female friend just told me she was googling uncircumcised penis for what reason I don't know. Then tells me not to google it. :stoneface: Why would I do that?

It's a trap!
is there any possible way to hide youtube recommendations?

watched one alien video from the conspiracy thread and now that's all i see on my page
It'll be 8 years pretty soon since my mom passed away and I've thought about her every day since.

Take it from me, NT Bros...... Love 'em while they're here because nobody is ever gonna love you like your mom will.

Its my mom's bday today...getting ready to cook her dinner

I always appreciated her, but with only one parent still here...I appreciate it more
Where's a good place to travel alone for fun outside the US this summer?? Paris is already on the list.
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