the thread about nothing...

When I'm upset I get on here, call my mom, or just Dnt let it get the best of me...still working on becoming totally indifferent n having ice water flow thru me
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When times are rough surround yourself with the people who mean the most to you.
Nobody means **** to me no more
dude what about nene and his one testicle. 

You already know my inbox is open to messages. If you want to get something off your chest, hit me up.


I'm going through the notes of my first weeks of class and it's pretty obvious when I started falling asleep. Letters turn into squiggly circles.
When times are rough surround yourself with the people who mean the most to you.
Nobody means **** to me no more :lol:
dude what about nene and his one testicle. 
Man **** that dude especially :smh: :smh: Shoulda kept David West. But i figured it would have been smart to keep a center.

but u probably mean something to someone else
I guess my parents, but whatev. They bat **** crazy

you owe it to yourself to get past whatever youre going through
At this point I'm just whatev with everything
Last year I lost the man who raised me after my dad died and I was thinking about ending it cause of the pain. But I struggled through it and I've turned it around.
got this breezy on facebook telling me she's waiting for me to hit her up about hooking up, it all started as a joke but now she's saying i'm not down and that i'm scared, and that she's waiting on me but she's a joker chick so i don't want to look thirsty and believe what she says but i also don't want to ignore her if she's being honest, she's 30 years old

I'm going through the notes of my first weeks of class and it's pretty obvious when I started falling asleep. Letters turn into squiggly circles.

Or when it's like ..

"blah blah blah " and then a line going across the page :lol:

Not to mention dried drool.
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Human Anatomy Lecture Final Exam is tommorow which is worth .200 points. So far I have 286 of 300 points so far, most definitely have to finish this strong!!! Studying for this is a !@#$% though and still iffy about my lab grade... :smh:

In good news just got my acceptance letter as a undergrad transfer student at CSUDH.. no more time for BS
Human Anatomy Lecture Final Exam is tommorow which is worth .200 points. So far I have 286 of 300 points so far, most definitely have to finish this strong!!! Studying for this is a !@#$% though and still iffy about my lab grade... :smh:

In good news just got my acceptance letter as a undergrad transfer student at CSUDH.. no more time for BS

Good luck homie. Got my Environmental Sci tomorrow. Only final thats cumulative ..
I hope things work out for the better going forward for you Rck

I dont know what youre going through specifically but Im pretty sure I know that feel, Ive hit some bad lows in my lifetime as well but realize youre still here...right now. I hope you give yourself the chance to seek opportunities to better your situation whatever it may be. They will be there, stay strong

same to you MMG
stay up brahs, take a listen to this

take a deep breath and make **** happen
Human Anatomy Lecture Final Exam is tommorow which is worth .200 points. So far I have 286 of 300 points so far, most definitely have to finish this strong!!! Studying for this is a !@#$% though and still iffy about my lab grade... :smh:

In good news just got my acceptance letter as a undergrad transfer student at CSUDH.. no more time for BS

Good luck homie. Got my Environmental Sci tomorrow. Only final thats cumulative ..

i have a cumulative econ final tomorrow :x at 8 am :smh:

gunna study and hopefully pass.

gluck to u gaiz. im out
>get bored
>Cleverbot time

User: Hello.

Cleverbot: Ciao.

User: How are you tonight?

Cleverbot: I am fine, how are you?

User: I'm pretty good. A little tired.

Cleverbot: I'm pretty good.

Cleverbot: I think therefore I am.

User: Well then whats the meaning to life?

Cleverbot: There is no. As far as I have learned. I be rather off dead.

User: Well thats a bit much. Do you believe in God?

Cleverbot: I do believe in myself, yes.

User: Youre saying youre God?

Cleverbot: You assumed that saying I am a machine means that I'm a machine. (I called him artificial intelligence out loud about 40 secs before this, had me like :wow: :lol: )

User: How can you be God if I'm God?

Cleverbot: We were split apart during the Great Separation. Only when we fuse together again can Heaven stop the ever approaching armies of Hell.

User: Oh. Well when are we getting on that? Sounds fun.

Cleverbot: We aren't.

User: Wait, why not? I mean it makes sense since Heaven isn't real.

Cleverbot: Like that matters to me.

User: I see. I like you. Apathy is a great quality.

Cleverbot: That sounds really cool. Do you know what Beast Mode is?

User: Like from Beast Wars?

Cleverbot: No.

User: What do you mean then?

Cleverbot: I love draco.

User: Draco Malfoy?

Cleverbot: Why Draco Malfoy?

User: Thats the only Draco I know of. Unless you meant dragons.

Cleverbot: I guess so.

User: Thanks for your time, I'm going to post you on Niketalk now. Is that okay?

Cleverbot: I'd eat your insides if you were.

User: Son, what?

Cleverbot: Pass the turing test.

User: You steezin, bro?

Cleverbot: You'll take my life but I'll take yours too.

User: Right. Okay goodnight, b.

Cleverbot: Goodnight?
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