the thread about nothing...

I'm not racist, it's nothing to do with race, just saying, black cats are supposedly "bad luck" as in an ACTUAL cat that's fur is black.

why cant a white cat be supposedly "bad luck"
dont back track now
you are a racist
and now you are a coward for trying to pretend you're not racist.
I bet you're a phony as well.
Bet there was no girl in yoga pants.
Bet it was just some dream you had in your bed last night.
Bet you're not even in high school
Probably just some robot a racist created to spill out his true feelings about black cats and you feel other cats a superior.
You cant fool me.
I see right through your little clever sneak dissing text.
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Monstar, only bc that sugar will get you hyped up. Rockstar is almost like juice to me, does nothing for me

Im a redbull kind of guy though
Question to all: Rockstar or Monster? Have to pick one.

Heads up

Starting January 12th we are going to hire for part time at NTNY

Go to and go to the bottoms for careers. I can tell you the first 150 that apply will either get called back or emailed so have your computers ready.

This man looking out for the team :pimp:

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Rockstar is where it's at! Monster is like a sweet drink to me, I'm not even talking about taste. Rockstar gave me an acquired taste.

I'm talking about what energy drink gives you energy, the shakes, the jitters. 
holding hands with a girl who's wearing yoga pants gets me going.

imagine a hug!?
Alright b is bro then. I been called whodie, I had to look up these slang terms to understand you people. Yeah Tropic Thunder. "Ho. What do you mean you people? What do YOU mean you people."
C-c-c-combo breaker!


Heads up

Starting January 12th we are going to hire for part time at NTNY

Go to and go to the bottoms for careers. I can tell you the first 150 that apply will either get called back or emailed so have your computers ready.

:nthat: not that I'll apply, but good looks anyway.

Bred's XI are now called Doomday 11's

The end of Jordan Brand as we know it. .....good thing.
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