the thread about nothing...

What kind of mixed drinks the fellas get? Something that ain't girly ,don't taste too much like liquor ,but will still get you feeling GOOD!!!??

nutella is amazing..I just bought the to go pack for 1.50 at my nearest Walmart earlier today..was extremely pissed when I ran out of dipping sticks and was stuck with the dilemma of eating the rest with my finger in front of my counselor or just throw it away...i threw it away unforntunately
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You cant even go out in large groups anymore
"Why is she here I dont like that B_"Then racthedness rears its ugly head, yelling goes down people try to fight, and my night comes to an early conclusion.
Who was on the N train 10 mins ago around 23rd street train station? :nerd:

Someone yelled " yo spectacular23 whats up "

But the train doors closed?

Was wearing South Beach 8s if you noticed me.
Why don't shipping companies allow their customers to call whoever has their package?

I mean I could just call them like ay where you at?

I'm at so and so.

Stay there, I'll be there in 15min.

My current shipment progress:
[table][tr][td]11/30/2012[/td][td]4:21 A.M.[/td][td]Out For Delivery[/td][/tr][/table]
It's 6:37pm.

Why don't shipping companies allow their customers to call whoever has their package?
I mean I could just call them like ay where you at?
I'm at so and so.
Stay there, I'll be there in 15min.

My current shipment progress:
[TD]4:21 A.M.[/TD]
[TD]Out For Delivery[/TD]
It's 6:37pm.

because then they would spend all day waiting for someone to show up, and nothing would get delivered.

i realize that was a rhetorical question.
ya'll got me scared now.

i'll be good after i knock back a few brews.
i was going to ask if you drank...but this might be the reason..when i would drink one of my eyes would get this little twitch thing going on, nothing severe but enough for me to notice.

i wasnt an alcoholic or anything, just a social drinker, but when i stopped i noticed it went away.
Happened to me :lol:
Forreal :lol: ...this dude wants you to take the Celtics 1/1 for a G?!? :lol: i'm not surprised you didn't even respond to that foolishness
Should spend the G to fly to DC and slap the kufi off his head for even offering that

Shoulders finna clap like cheeks at a twerk-a-thon? :nerd:
Why don't shipping companies allow their customers to call whoever has their package?

I mean I could just call them like ay where you at?

I'm at so and so.

Stay there, I'll be there in 15min.

My current shipment progress:
[table][tr][td]11/30/2012[/td][td]4:21 A.M.[/td][td]Out For Delivery[/td][/tr][/table]
It's 6:37pm.

this happened to me on monday i got my stuff at 7:35pm or so..
I'm too tired to go out tonight. Played 2 hour of ball and I worked and I worked out legs yesterday. I'm pooped.
Who was on the N train 10 mins ago around 23rd street train station? :nerd:
Someone yelled " yo spectacular23 whats up "
But the train doors closed?
Was wearing South Beach 8s if you noticed me.


Nooooo...someone called you out by your NT name as the train doors closed

Im in real tears over here just cause they did it and dipped
Who was on the N train 10 mins ago around 23rd street train station? :nerd:
Someone yelled " yo spectacular23 whats up "
But the train doors closed?
Was wearing South Beach 8s if you noticed me.


Nooooo...someone called you out by your NT name as the train doors closed

Im in real tears over here just cause they did it and dipped

I posted a pic of me in the PYP, someone prolly remember my face

Who was on the N train 10 mins ago around 23rd street train station? :nerd:

Someone yelled " yo spectacular23 whats up "

But the train doors closed?

Was wearing South Beach 8s if you noticed me.
That was me

no way, your not from NY are you :lol:
ya'll got me scared now.

i'll be good after i knock back a few brews.
i was going to ask if you drank...but this might be the reason..when i would drink one of my eyes would get this little twitch thing going on, nothing severe but enough for me to notice.

i wasnt an alcoholic or anything, just a social drinker, but when i stopped i noticed it went away.
i don't even drink that much though..

i just drink beer about 3 times a week.
The Nomad said:
Short story, NO LIE, so I went to Barnes and Noble around Times Square today after work, I haven't turned on my Nexus in about 2 weeks, Niketalk was in the URL so I clicked the link, to no surprise I saw a few comments about me when it's a thread FULL of Bronx yambs going HAM.

I could have swore before work today, I decided to make a peace offering in this very thread to show my NT brethren that I respect them all and I'm a cool guy all they have to do chill instead of ambushing my comments inaccuracies.

Anyway I had an epiphany, since World Star provides a free service of up to date coverage of urban related media, would you consider it a public media outlet? That just may become a legitimate source for urban media in years to come? Or is WSHH commercial?

...oh, what's a story without pics? :wink:



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