the thread about nothing...

Paper due soon and haven't started
 i'm always like this
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Twitter lost it's appeal to me a while ago.. my timeline was filled with **** riders and idiots who feel validated/important because of their follower count.
Im lost in the world right now.... Its like I don't know how to have fun anymore... Im so focused on getting my mom out of the hood and trying to make life better for my family that, my own life is suffering.

when I'm working, I'm thinking "I work too much, I need to have some fun. and relax" when I hang with my friends, Im thinking "I should be doing some work" I don't know what I enjoy anymore... seems like nothing.

I don't know what I care about anymore. I don't care that much to acquire so much money to buy things but my family cares a lot about money and things. Im not depressed or anything, I just feel... detached? that seems like the best word for it...
Im lost in the world right now.... Its like I don't know how to have fun anymore... Im so focused on getting my mom out of the hood and trying to make life better for my family that, my own life is suffering.

when I'm working, I'm thinking "I work too much, I need to have some fun. and relax" when I hang with my friends, Im thinking "I should be doing some work" I don't know what I enjoy anymore... seems like nothing.

I don't know what I care about anymore. I don't care that much to acquire so much money to buy things but my family cares a lot about money and things. Im not depressed or anything, I just feel... detached? that seems like the best word for it...
why not have fun with your moms, take her out to eat or somewhere nice...doesn't have to be expensive, just somewhere different.
Im lost in the world right now.... Its like I don't know how to have fun anymore... Im so focused on getting my mom out of the hood and trying to make life better for my family that, my own life is suffering.

when I'm working, I'm thinking "I work too much, I need to have some fun. and relax" when I hang with my friends, Im thinking "I should be doing some work" I don't know what I enjoy anymore... seems like nothing.

I don't know what I care about anymore. I don't care that much to acquire so much money to buy things but my family cares a lot about money and things. Im not depressed or anything, I just feel... detached? that seems like the best word for it...

I admire your grind and and selflessness but life needs a balance, dont burn yourself out

and I'm sure there are things you can enjoy away from the grind, discover that other side of you. It's there. Go find it
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