the thread about nothing...

this is so true  
The director of the new movie 7 psychopaths' first movie. I think its great, you guys said you were bored and its an 27 min movie. I loved it but if u can't handle dark irish humor then skip on

pay very close attention to the words the doctor says in the beginning
Someone educate me. How do I reply with a quote that contains two people's quotes in it? When I do it, it just quotes the more recent one.
Someone educate me. How do I reply with a quote that contains two people's quotes in it? When I do it, it just quotes the more recent one.
Go to my profile then edit account details.Scroll down,you should see site preferences and click on the box with
remove nested quotes.
Been up since 10 AM yesterday, will not get significant rest, or rest at all probably, until tonight.

**** it, let's get it!
what were once, pink and succulent rose petals. now take the form of the shredded raggedy blown out end piece of a practical jokers exploding cigar.
I wish I knew papi.

I just woke up (fml) and its hurting when I walk :lol:

Probably not a sprain tho, just a tweak or somethin.
I wish I knew papi.

I just woke up (fml) and its hurting when I walk :lol:

Probably not a sprain tho, just a tweak or somethin.

Sometimes when you wake up and your leg tightens up while you're stretching it, the big toe can do that, I think.
Man i am going to black mail my future kids with santa for a good 4 months of the year.

"You better eat your vegetables"
"No i don't want them"
"You won't get any ice cream then"
"I don't care i don't want ice cream anyway"

*child proceeds to fold like a lawn chair

I will use this for potty training and chores...such as washing dishes and doing my laundry as well
I'm at the point right now where i'm on this forum posting because i feel like i'm letting some frustration out.
NT im 20 and a virgin... and it's starting to take a toll on me. Since i have turned 20 i have only had one thing on my mind and that is yambs. It's to point where I cannot even concentrate in school. I've had a lot of close encounters (ex the The post I had in TAN about a month ago) but can never seem to close the deal. I have had a girl openly ask me if I was DTF and still could not get anything :smh: . I have been going out more often meeting girls but no numbers or taking them home.
It seems like everyday theres more pressure to get laid from my friends since they their lost virginity YEARS ago ... and i have had opportunities years ago and to me that is the most depressing part because I feel like i could be a totally different person or maybe someone with more confidence.
It's like i have some mental block... how do i overcome this? :smh:
sorry to vent but it's something that's always on my mind now.....
inb4 "get a blog"

If they were your real friends they would've given you an alley a long time ago, lol..

Just be confident, women can sense it in you by the way you interact with them. And please don't simp or seem too desperate when you're about to close.

When in doubt......

What da bottom said...the crew should've been thrown the lob years ago. Don't sweat it though. It's like looking for the remote. Stop trying so hard and you'll find the "yambs."
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