the thread about nothing...

guess what it is..

i'm mexican and i just found out what pene was over the summer

because of a porno i watched
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we always use verga or walleembo (spelled it phonetically since i cant in spanish. ) at work. pene is like the medical term for it. my last job everyone was ecuadorian but me and a few others.
i always say pito, it's sounds funnier and not as derogatory 
Nah mon ami, j'ai pris des courses francais depuis que j'ai 8 ans a l'ecole parce que c'etait la seule langue la
pas mal ton français
4 ans francais, je ne me souviens de rien
No lie i put this in every french assignment I ever did, and when the teachers started getting wise I switched it to "Mange le Steak Frites" I HATED french class.
what is this witchcraft?
have i ascended to wizard?
This happened to me. I had to turn on the mobile option again. I want a phone that at least as ICS on it.
Struggle Phone life
Hey Arnold or Doug?
Doug no Question
http://niketalk.com"yui_3_7_3_1_1354096718749_1060" src="" />
there's a building down the street from where i live kinda that has three of those in the front and one in the back that is shined on by lights at night
Its for the Masons
 wth ?? that thing is huge.. i have yet to see that around my way .. ima have to go to cvs and see if they have them ill put one of those things in my nephew and nieces stockings for xmas
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