the thread about nothing...

These are pictures of Prophet Ibrahim(Peace Be Upon Him(known as Abraham to Christians) footprints. The footprints are on the rock that would levitate on Allah's orders to help Prophet Ibrahim in constructing the Kaaba. He stood on this rock all the time while Allah had him building the Kaaba. They are housed inside a very thick glass lantern looking dome. The footprints are absolutely massive!
In these pics you'll see absolute mayhem going on in the bottom right. The pilgrims are trying to kiss a holy rock known as Hajar al-Aswad (The Black Stone). It's a stone sent to Earth straight from heaven through Allah centuries ago.

If a Muslim makes his or her way to this stone & is able to kiss it they are automatically heaven bound after death. It was originally white but through so many years of kisses has turned black. I was blessed enough to be able to kiss is yesterday 😎. It took some time & a lot of pushing & shoving but thank God, I was able to make it happen.

People get frantic, insane, psychotic & absolutely crazy to kiss the stone, especially the men. It's a very holy & spiritual once in a lifetime opportunity for most to try to make it happen so 0 care is given. They push, punch, shove & hit anyone & everyone. Women are advised to not even try because they are delicate & weak compared to men but still some try. By the time I was shoved into the front of it a woman had her headscarf ripped off her head & was being stomped on & was frantically crying.

The guards dare not intervene...they know there's absolutely nothing they can do against such an emotionally charged crowd so attempt at your own risk. I'm 6'3 265lbs so I made my way there & in the name of Allah yelled Allah U Akbar got my face on the stone kissed it twice & immediately moved away. The crowd wouldn't let me out so again I yelled Allah U Akbar & had to bulldoze my way out like a linebacker, lol. Saying excuse me will not work here. I wish the Saudis would give a damn about organizing & controlling the crowds at the holysites...women & children have been killed and stampede on here. YouTube will give you a better visual on the level of insanity by this stone.
If you typed up one of Jim's antics in AITA, how do you think reddit would respond?
Depends on the phrasing.

"I put my coworkers stapler in Jell-O.
I moved his entire desk to the bathroom, phone included.
I put a nickel in my coworkers phone every day and then one day took them all out so he would smack himself in the face with the phone.
I convinced everyone in the office to act like it was Friday so that my coworker would miss work tomorrow.

Well, yeah. Leaving out who the coworker is makes it a slam dunk 'Yes.'

'This chick at work is feeling me I'm pretty sure, but she's with this guy that pays absolutely no attention to her, doesn't listen to her, doesn't make decisions with her. I know she's into me but I just keep it friendly between us, even when she has put her head on my shoulder at work. I try to keep it friendly between her and I at work but I can tell sometimes she gets mad at me when I make statements about us just being friends. I think she wants more but... she's in a whole *censored* relationship.
For not making moves on her when I can tell she's into me, AITA?"

Obviously not, when details are left out.
Depends on the phrasing.

"I put my coworkers stapler in Jell-O.
No lie, when I typed my post, this was the prank I had in mind.

You say if we leave out the details its a slam dunk yes. I legit don't even remember the details behind him putting his stapler jell-o. If we add in the details, is it any less of a Slam dunk yes?
I put a nickel in my coworkers phone every day and then one day took them all out so he would smack himself in the face with the phone.

LMFAO. Jim's an *******.
I wasn't ready for the Jim apologists tbh
Apologists state an opinion. If you read through my posts, I haven't actually said Jim is bad or good. This is usually what happens when people question an opinion, though: questioning means disagreeing. That's not actually true, but that's how it's taken.

"Jim is bad."
"Didn't know you love him. Nvm."
In these pics you'll see absolute mayhem going on in the bottom right. The pilgrims are trying to kiss a holy rock known as Hajar al-Aswad (The Black Stone). It's a stone sent to Earth straight from heaven through Allah centuries ago.

If a Muslim makes his or her way to this stone & is able to kiss it they are automatically heaven bound after death. It was originally white but through so many years of kisses has turned black. I was blessed enough to be able to kiss is yesterday 😎. It took some time & a lot of pushing & shoving but thank God, I was able to make it happen.

People get frantic, insane, psychotic & absolutely crazy to kiss the stone, especially the men. It's a very holy & spiritual once in a lifetime opportunity for most to try to make it happen so 0 care is given. They push, punch, shove & hit anyone & everyone. Women are advised to not even try because they are delicate & weak compared to men but still some try. By the time I was shoved into the front of it a woman had her headscarf ripped off her head & was being stomped on & was frantically crying.

The guards dare not intervene...they know there's absolutely nothing they can do against such an emotionally charged crowd so attempt at your own risk. I'm 6'3 265lbs so I made my way there & in the name of Allah yelled Allah U Akbar got my face on the stone kissed it twice & immediately moved away. The crowd wouldn't let me out so again I yelled Allah U Akbar & had to bulldoze my way out like a linebacker, lol. Saying excuse me will not work here. I wish the Saudis would give a damn about organizing & controlling the crowds at the holysites...women & children have been killed and stampede on here. YouTube will give you a better visual on the level of insanity by this stone.
Yeah I'm with you, that should be definitely more organized. But I guess the significance of the stone gets people hurried mood, especially since it's a trip of a lifetime for alot of folks. Anyways, glad you were able to get through.
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