the thread about nothing...

Yeah like after my homie died from sickle cell I didn’t hear from anyone at all and I stopped reaching out on any platform and no one bothered to say I wonder how Marcus is doing so it’s just been left there
We are in a climate where we can reach out to the people we so call love with ease

Hell my brother is incarcerated and he has a tablet where he can send me a email daily :lol:

IDK man it seems like I was just tolerated

A girl I follow on IG said people only invite her to the baby showers, weddings, and graduations

Not the game nights dinners and other functions where a gift is expected so she stopped going :lol::lol::lol:

I can relate to this. It really felt like when I was going through it, nobody would check in on me or ask how I was at all. Felt like in today’s society most people just truly don’t care about anything but their own lives, even people you call friends.

And also the whole friends who never reach out unless you do, then will randomly hit you up out of no where and wonder why you’re annoyed with them.

It’s disheartening, but I’ve learned to accept it for what it is.
One of the dudes that I used to hang out with in high school left me on read on a IG message
I swear my last true friend died in 2017 after that I stopped checking on folks and I’ve never heard from those folks again

It hurt at first but my brother and sister took up that void so I’m ok with that
Give it time! People come and go. You will have more enter your life. Focus on caring for yourself right now!
It was pathetic that LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District) campus workers and other types of employees recently went on strike for a pay increase because a lot of them are useless losers on the campuses predicated on some of them lacking maturity or being just plain dumb.

There was a loser campus worker at my high school who's a perfectly bad example of what I posted above. That a-hole had a son who was my friend in the same grade as me. That idiot loser was definitely immature and dumb because he actually got dressed up nicely and attended our class prom like he was a student himself. That fool basically basked in my friend's temporary success because he excelled at football on the high school level at that time. What's stupid backwards about that loser is that he wore raggedy street clothes to our graduation ceremony when it's something you're supposed to dress up for.

That loser campus worker attending our class prom is as bad as an usher or security who works at an arena or stadium who decides to watch the live game while they're employed during that event.

I know firsthand that LAUSD is the absolute worst public school system in the world because I attended its schools. Elementary school was great for me. But it was terrible and useless for me when I was in the 6th to 12th grade with overcrowding and a lot of kids who weren't raised right predicated on them growing up in broken homes or crappy marriages. There were also a lot of unqualified teachers who were too dumb to deal with kids.

I can agree from reading this post that the LAUSD education system is failing.
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