the thread about nothing...

Is it? Half of nt wants this thread killed so....
not me i love this thread.... its nothing its nothing...
hey do anybody when they get high and get the munchies why do when i eat my high kinda goes away... especially with dairy products i.e. ice cream
I use to be really good at copying the anime pictures out of beckett magazines (DBZ, Pokemon), like in the 4th grade.

Anybody remember the name of the DBZ ones? were they also Beckett? bout to look.


I came here to say, the lion statues by Lil Wayne's sides in the "Bandz a Make Her Dance" video creep me the **** out.

Like I've legit had 2 nightmarez about em.
I really wish I could get some old Miskeen shirts. But only the ones from before they sold the company, when they were still 1 of 1 and handpainted
does anyone in here draw?
one talent i really wish i had.. started practicing again
Can't draw for ****. In middle school, Art teacher told us the drawings for the exam beforehand so I got my friend who is really good to draw for me. I kept his drawing inside my shirt and sat in the exam room pretending to draw the entire duration. End of the exam when the teacher is going around collecting the papers, I quickly do a switch
Ended up with a B, I'm sure he knew it wasn't my work but he couldn't prove it.
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