the thread about nothing...

Everybody talking about LeBron going bald but they never talk about the "Black Mambas" receding hairline
the god is 7 years older than LeBron though.
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Let me tell you how my day went. Got high, went to school. Friends offered me $25 to eat a ghost pepper. So I did. It burned for 2 seconds and then my tongue was just straight up in pain after. I started drinking water from my water bottle which was in room temperature and it did nothing. It helped very mildly to say the least but I was still sweating profusely and I was in tears. My water bottle can hold a gallon of water and I finished that in about a minute. My tongue was in excruciating pain. Tears would come out from each panting breath I took cause the vapors from my own breath was caused my eye to burn. Maybe I'm overexagerating but I remember I kept on blinking and that was also what I was told by my friends. I went to the nearest mens restroom and filled my water bottle with cold water. Then I will just take a big gulp and let my tongue submerge in that for 1-3 sec of relief. After 3 secs, my tongue would feel the pain again so I had to spit out the water and repeat after every 2-4 seconds. I remember this process took like at least 30 minutes but it seemed forever when you're high. A lot of thoughts went thru my mind. I wanted to make a thread about this experience titled: "Ask a guy who just ate a ghost pepper anything" but I was high so I never put the plan into action cause I kept forgetting or putting it off. I was also thinking how painful it will be for me for my next bowel movement. After about 30 minutes of gargling water and another 30 minutes of spitting/ drinking more water, I was good. I want to describe the experience with more vivid details but I can't remember exactly remember what transpired over the last 8 hours.

Cliff notes:
Got high and went to school
Accepted a $25 bet to eat a ghost pepper
Being high made the experience worse
Ended up gargling cold water every 3 seconds to numb the pain
It felt like eating 10 bags of hot cheetos all at once.
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