the thread about nothing...

Was at Costco and helped some elderly guy put a case of heavy juice into his shopping cart...
Nobody had the decency to help him out prior to that, poor guy was on the floor putting it into the bottom of his cart.

:smh: @ the bystanders...Seriously pains me to see the youth not helping. This by no means, is a humble brag. Just wish people could lend a hand when it's needed.
Does anyone else feel like internet forums have ruined our reading ability.

I have never been a reader. But i try some times and i make it about 2 chapters in and im like.....god wall of text...cliffs?
Everyone says oh you just haven't found a book you are genuinely interested in that's all. But i have tried a bunch and they all put me to sleep. I just can't read. I skim books looking for pics....looking for short responses....looking for quotes and reps...
Internet forums can't be blamed for people not wanting to read. If you grew up not wanting to read, posts on a forum aren't gonna change your habit. You're just gonna keep continuing to do what you've always done (not pointing you out specifically). Unfortunately, most people these days share the "didn't 'eem read" gene hence why the masses would rather gravitate towards a funny .gif or Tweet rather than a good article or whatever.
Was at Costco and helped some elderly guy put a case of heavy juice into his shopping cart...
Nobody had the decency to help him out prior to that, poor guy was on the floor putting it into the bottom of his cart.

:smh: @ the bystanders...Seriously pains me to see the youth not helping. This by no means, is a humble brag. Just wish people could lend a hand when it's needed.

SMH at some people.

people need to understand that genuinely helping your other without wanting something back feels good :smokin

And it can be simple things. Just letting someone older sit in the metro or like you said help someone when they are struggling.

Props to you.
Does anyone else feel like internet forums have ruined our reading ability.

I have never been a reader. But i try some times and i make it about 2 chapters in and im like.....god wall of text...cliffs?

Everyone says oh you just haven't found a book you are genuinely interested in that's all. But i have tried a bunch and they all put me to sleep. I just can't read. I skim books looking for pics....looking for short responses....looking for quotes and reps...

Internet forums can't be blamed for people not wanting to read. If you grew up not wanting to read, posts on a forum aren't gonna change your habit. You're just gonna keep continuing to do what you've always done (not pointing you out specifically). Unfortunately, most people these days share the "didn't 'eem read" gene hence why the masses would rather gravitate towards a funny .gif or Tweet rather than a good article or whatever.

Reading is :pimp:

I'm sure you can find something you want to read.

Biography of some people you interested in is a great way to get into a book and finish it.

I always have something to read and I wish I had more time to read :smh:
Was at Costco and helped some elderly guy put a case of heavy juice into his shopping cart...
Nobody had the decency to help him out prior to that, poor guy was on the floor putting it into the bottom of his cart.

:smh: @ the bystanders...Seriously pains me to see the youth not helping. This by no means, is a humble brag. Just wish people could lend a hand when it's needed.

Like that "What Would You Do?" show. Some of the things I see people ignore. That "Not my problem." mentality. :smh:
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Was at Costco and helped some elderly guy put a case of heavy juice into his shopping cart...
Nobody had the decency to help him out prior to that, poor guy was on the floor putting it into the bottom of his cart.

:smh: @ the bystanders...Seriously pains me to see the youth not helping. This by no means, is a humble brag. Just wish people could lend a hand when it's needed.

Like that "What Would You Do?" show. Some of the things I see people ignore. That "Not my problem." mentality. :smh:

Was at Costco and helped some elderly guy put a case of heavy juice into his shopping cart...
Nobody had the decency to help him out prior to that, poor guy was on the floor putting it into the bottom of his cart.

:smh: @ the bystanders...Seriously pains me to see the youth not helping. This by no means, is a humble brag. Just wish people could lend a hand when it's needed.

SMH at some people.

people need to understand that genuinely helping your other without wanting something back feels good :smokin

And it can be simple things. Just letting someone older sit in the metro or like you said help someone when they are struggling.

Props to you.
I'm not the type to want the spotlight on me, but Jesus, it's an elderly man who clearly struggles.

While it does feel good to help another, I actually felt bad I couldn't help him sooner...Something wrong with this world...
I'm not the type to want the spotlight on me, but Jesus, it's an elderly man who clearly struggles.

While it does feel good to help another, I actually felt bad I couldn't help him sooner...Something wrong with this world...

For me, it's not about the spotlight, it's just doing the right thing.

Nothing to brag about helping someone in the need.

Also don't feel bad about something you could not do.
i'm talking about the weather outside brah.. :lol:

as in when is it cold enough for a heater..

no double entendre.

:lol: I see.

But to answer your question, I don't even know, I just put the heat on when it's start getting cold in my room (67-68-69 farenheit and lower)
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