the thread about nothing...

I admit I like to scour the internet for videos of fights and altercations at Dodger Stadium each season and share them. I honestly shared these videos on two other threads on here yesterday. Fools really don't know how to act at live baseball games. 😆

It was a real 💩 show in the left field pavilion section at Dodger Stadium on Saturday with fans acting a fool! It was actually fans rumbling with security. Here are different angles of the scrums. Getting into physical altercations or going fisticuffs with an army of ballpark security is not an intelligent thing at all. And those security peeps in the navy blue polo shirts and pants are LEO (Law Enforcement Officer), it means they're mostly active duty po-po and a few are retired po-po. 💀

has anyone seen the new NBA basketballs yet?

they're... well they didn't really change anything, just the brand name. but i do like the DRV series

has anyone seen the new NBA basketballs yet?

they're... well they didn't really change anything, just the brand name. but i do like the DRV series


Hopefully these new balls don't get flak from the players like how the revised balls introduced for the 2006-07 NBA season did. The players dreaded handling those balls that season. I believe some claimed it caused little cuts on their hands and fingers. But they ended up going back to the previous balls. Those useless balls are one of the litany of f ups that a#$ 🤡 commissioner David Stern allowed on his watch. 🙄

Absolute idiocy just for attention and likes on social network. 😆💀
A few days ago my mom was coming out of work when she pulled over to pick up some empty cardboard boxes. The plan is to box up some stuff for Salvation Army and the rest goes to storage. This morning she starts her sorting process when she notices a small box inside one of the boxes she brought home. Open it up and it’s a Jostens 2020 NHL championship ring for the Tampa Bay Lighting :lol: Random as **** but cool none the less.
How much is that badboy worth? :nerd:
It's ridiculous how those people are treated and ****** on for not having "skills" when wanting to be paid more. I'm blessed to be in the position I'm in now but you couldn't pay me any amount to work retail again.
💯 bro. We scoff & get upset when animals get treated like dirt & here we have a living breathing person who along with others in retail aren't being treated as human. They get paid peanuts & ppl don't understand for some employees it's a afterschool gig or side job for extra cash while in college. Like us all, they're just trying to get by. They get berated, spat on & cursed out daily for minimum wage. Some ppl work fast, some work slow. If they messing with your order & working slow to be *******s intentionally than by all means call em out respectfully. But for individuals who may have a condition, a syndrome or any mental/physical limitation(s) that don't allow for them to work like a robot cut em some slack. As long as you get your food at the end just smile. Some conditions are physcial & can be seen while other people have sicknesses & illnesses that cannot be see. Man, retail is just so ******* unfulfilling & the **** & ignortant mofos you gotta deal with is just too much. Props to that brother for defending himself & lettin ppl know he ain't stupid! He's just trying his best to do his job as we all are. I used to work at merchandis pick-up in Sears years ago & they had a program where they'd hire individuals with special needs. Met a cool young woman with special needs & she was angelic man straight up angel. We had 1 ignorant temp employee who right in front of her asked her nurse aid "How is it feel working with ******s"? MAN, when I say it took literally every fiber of my being not to rip his head off his shoulders and kill him, God was holding me back. I just looked at that dude with rage & he knew he was an idiot for that. Told em the only f'ing ****** here is YOU
it's not just that. I worked the graveyard shift several years ago and always order something on the way to work. you can't believe the number of times these employees gets harassed by drunks, druggies, bums, etc... it has become my habit to either smile or thank the worker for the service that they provide, be it small or big, it is equally important. and by those small gesture, it would make their work and day/night easier.
You're a good man for smiling & thanking them, God bless you for that. I used to work retail so I know that scumbaggery from customers firsthand. It would def put me in a better mood when someone thanked me here & there. Working retail teaches you A LOT about people & their behaviors. I try to be as polite as possible whenever I'm shopping & dealing with cashiers/attendants. I'm not one for confrontations & I'm blessed to have a high threshold for stupidity in public with my level of patience. The smallest things make the biggest differences in the end. All that harrassement those workers deal with on a daily :smh: . I live in the city where everyone is in a hurry, got crazy roadrage, & generally a standoffish attitude but everytime I go to Upstate NY & the countryside goddamn those folks are so polite & kind up there. I've also noticed the further South I go from NYC the nicer people get. Sometimes I just wanna leave this place & live on a farm surrounded by natural beauty & serenity in all directions
Video about how many women complained for years about men approaching them and now they're complaining that no men are approaching them.
You're a good man for smiling & thanking them, God bless you for that. I used to work retail so I know that scumbaggery from customers firsthand. It would def put me in a better mood when someone thanked me here & there. Working retail teaches you A LOT about people & their behaviors. I try to be as polite as possible whenever I'm shopping & dealing with cashiers/attendants. I'm not one for confrontations & I'm blessed to have a high threshold for stupidity in public with my level of patience. The smallest things make the biggest differences in the end. All that harrassement those workers deal with on a daily :smh: . I live in the city where everyone is in a hurry, got crazy roadrage, & generally a standoffish attitude but everytime I go to Upstate NY & the countryside goddamn those folks are so polite & kind up there. I've also noticed the further South I go from NYC the nicer people get. Sometimes I just wanna leave this place & live on a farm surrounded by natural beauty & serenity in all directions
each region is really is different. some are friendly and some are just scumbags. growing up in a scumbag territory is tough and you develop some habits. I remember when I first move out of the place where I grew up and met some new people. they couldn't believe how wholesome I was til they got to know me better thru meetings and conversations. reason why they couldn't approach me when I was new, was because was I so overpowering and intimidating. I wasn't really the trusting type from the start so that's why they kept their distance. anyway, I said to them when they saw my soft side, "just don't ever cross me" with a mean look. that kept them aback, then I started laughing. anyway, it is indeed good moving to a place where you can meet good people. countryside in general is indeed much better unless it is inhabited by people with hoodies and pitchforks.
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