the thread about nothing...

Story Update:

-She gave me her number after I was upfront about it and even agreed to Dinner

I’m curious. What do you mean “after I was upfront about it..”How did you do it the first time?
I’m curious. What do you mean “after I was upfront about it..”How did you do it the first time?
I asked her if her DMs were open and she hit me with the "Not for you" in a sassy/playful voice. But I was always joking around with her/playful banter which is why I approached her in that manner.

The second time around, I was more upfront about asking for her number... after some small talk about our previous encounter. She told me if I asked for her number earlier she would've just gave it to me.
Didnt know if I should feel worse for KD or Jeff Green. Homie hair as thin as mine up top. At least their corners still crispy though. Mine has begun the race against the crown to the center of my head.
Yeah, I didnt get a good look but I dont know what was going on with the back of Green's head.

To think some of these dudes younger than me.
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Always funny when people at work don't know you're there, speaking freely, mentionning your name and then when they see you it's like they've seen a ghost, and in the same time they must be happy to have not speaking badly this time :lol:

Other day other story a colleague wanted to tell me something but you got to know even if I'm a coward when danger is real, I am not with my opinions, and all colleagues don't assume their opinions, acting like if they were in some ASMR thing...

So, this colleague wanted to tell me something, but as she didn't assume to tell me in front of people was asking me to follow her, I hate these manners, I did follow her, but in her big project of hiding finished going too far when she saw some kind of chief, so she was asking me to act like something, what I didn't do :lol:

You're the suspect, not me, assume now !
Give the candy you just robbed, I saw everything Mr The Officer, tell me how I could help :rofl:

Bad people, sometimes you're not in perfect but not in bad terms with ones, and these affiliations can ruin your game...

There's a lot of people we got to run from at work, I prefer when I'm away delivering, I have no problems at work when I am not with my colleagues...

And chiefs quite realized my value, as work is concerned, since I took some distances, because those people pretend doing your stuff so you sometimes need to be rude to not be linked to them in any way.

Like if someone stole another people, and without menacing you, still want you to be of his side, man if there is no knife we're in a lack of arguments here, because how could you justify what you did if it's by frightening other people in order they just obey ?
I'm in a mood of having recorded conversations and reveal them at work but I am not John Travolta in Blow out :lol:

I'ld like people to assume more and plot less, behind each war there must be a woman telling his husband can not accept a situation like this and she hasn't married a coward :lol:
Because, not all men, for sure, but it could be wanting the peace or being violent at moments in time. But this eternal plot is typically feminine, they have a lot of qualities, I mean women have qualities, a lot, not those ones :lol: but they clearly don't want the peace as everyone would repeat everything, be sure it would be known and don't act like it was done with this intention...

Also would never understand some of them. Was speaking to one the other time, no problem, now I make a reference to a discussion and something she said, but she didn't assume not what she said (football so no big deal) but the fact she talked to me :lol:

Another one acts very distant but keep watching :lol:

95 % of people are strange, I could be in those 95 % no problem but how could I be happy if I enjoy the 5 % of realness ? To be authentic doesn't exist no more, only false attitudes and behaviours, this is scary...

bro are you trolling? these stories are so ******* hard to read.
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