the thread about nothing...

Saw the Wienermobile today

Joey Chestnut be like
Don’t you guys hate when you meet a group of cool people, there’s always one that hates you for no reason?😂

I’m a really nice guy too, but there always seem to be one guy that faces away from me, changes the subject after I answer, or ignores me. It’s perplexing as hell.😆

Anyways, it’s just weird as hell to come across that.
Don’t you guys hate when you meet a group of cool people, there’s always one that hates you for no reason?😂

I’m a really nice guy too, but there always seem to be one guy that faces away from me, changes the subject after I answer, or ignores me. It’s perplexing as hell.😆

Anyways, it’s just weird as hell to come across that.

It’s because you’re too real.

Obviously I don’t know either of y’all, but in my experiencing, fake people don’t vibe with real people in these kind of situations.

I feel like everyone on my Facebook hates me 🤣 I know it’s just stupid social media likes and I don’t care, but it makes me laugh when I post the coolest pictures from my adventures, in my humble opinion, and nobody likes them. Meanwhile people posting there pics of the northern lights they caught for the 100th time this summer, and 50 likes out the gate.

People be viewing my reels though, they must just be jealous I’m living my best life lol.

The one or two times I made a post when I was GOING through it, people would reach out and “pretend” to care, they probably were just being nosy and wanted to try to learn more details co what was going on.

Circling back to the real/fake, it seems like the fake superficial people always get the most interactions on FB. It’s a trash platform that at this point I only keep for all of my national park groups I’m in (which even those get bogged down with BS AI posts smh)

At the end of the day, I’m living and loving my life.
I was talking to a girl that works in the same building as me, we were talking about life in general and I said it seems to me thet being "real" is a niche cultural concept. She pointed out that "realness" aint nothing but another way of saying self awareness. I thnk she nailed. A LOT of people lack or refuse self awareness. Something about danikerhino danikerhino makes dude look at himself in the mirror and he doesn't like what he sees.
Prefer croissants for bacon, egg, and cheese
Prefer biscuits for sausage, egg, and cheese

Not a fan of bagel sandwiches. English muffins, meh.
Mcdonalds bagel steak sandwich hits, but ONLY when they add the sauce. No sauce, it's way too dry.

When I was younger, nothing was toping a croissantwich. Now a days, I'm digging the mcmuffin.

Biscuits are a nice change up now and again. But they can't be too thick and dry.
It’s because you’re too real.

Obviously I don’t know either of y’all, but in my experiencing, fake people don’t vibe with real people in these kind of situations.

I feel like everyone on my Facebook hates me 🤣 I know it’s just stupid social media likes and I don’t care, but it makes me laugh when I post the coolest pictures from my adventures, in my humble opinion, and nobody likes them. Meanwhile people posting there pics of the northern lights they caught for the 100th time this summer, and 50 likes out the gate.

People be viewing my reels though, they must just be jealous I’m living my best life lol.

The one or two times I made a post when I was GOING through it, people would reach out and “pretend” to care, they probably were just being nosy and wanted to try to learn more details co what was going on.

Circling back to the real/fake, it seems like the fake superficial people always get the most interactions on FB. It’s a trash platform that at this point I only keep for all of my national park groups I’m in (which even those get bogged down with BS AI posts smh)

At the end of the day, I’m living and loving my life.
Right, I think certain people are weird about me just being genuine and positive, which I got from my mom and dad. They probably think I’m faking it to “get attention” or takeover a conversation. In reality, I just value having solid(positive) conversations.

I’m kind of like you, but with Instagram. I just have photos of scenery, food, and shoes here and there. I’m not even trying to show off or **** on anyone. I’m just really proud of my experiences and hyped about certain things. So it is showing off😂, but I’m not trying to out-do or compete with anyone, it’s just fun to share and look back at those moments. People don’t realize that some treat Instagram like a photo album. Not everyone is on there to advertise themselves or compete with others.
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I was talking to a girl that works in the same building as me, we were talking about life in general and I said it seems to me thet being "real" is a niche cultural concept. She pointed out that "realness" aint nothing but another way of saying self awareness. I thnk she nailed. A LOT of people lack or refuse self awareness. Something about danikerhino danikerhino makes dude look at himself in the mirror and he doesn't like what he sees.
I remember one time when I was younger, me and some dude were having a group interview for an Apple Store. He said his piece first and I thought he did an excellent job. Then once my turn came up, I was hyped to answer the questions and show my personality. I kid you not, this dude was mumbling something under his breath for EVERY ******* ANSWER that I gave saying things like “damn this dude is trying to outshine me”. I don’t know if he lacks awareness, but not only that it messed up my responses, but the interviewer heard him too. Me being a younger dude trying to make a good impression, I just tried to keep things going, but of course it threw off me off. If it took place now, I think I would have called him out from the get-go. Anyways, neither one of us got(or maybe he did and I didn’t), but that was the most awkward conversation that I’ve ever had with strangers. If that dumb-*** had any awareness, he would’ve realized that I was being careful not to step on his toes or one up him(which ALOT of people do). I take pride on not ****ting on the next person. I believe that, if I do a good enough job, then I can stand out on my own merit without brown-nosing or overly competing. And if I don’t get something, I try to identify any mistakes or shortcomings that I have. Even if that interview that I had above, I could have got in front of it and said something like “did you need to mention anything else”? Self-reflection is a big component of growth too, so making adjustments here or there when I feel the need to keeps me confident in certain situations.
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