the thread about nothing...

What it is, TAN'ners? I'm back to foist my opinions on you yet again. Today's stream of my consciousness is on Colorado and Washington legalizing marijuana (lucky bastards), and why it's a good thing for the other 48 states too.

Last night saw a true victory for a large subset of Americans. A long-oppressed people, often unfairly discriminated against and told they were less of a citizen because of who they are, finally found redemption after having their voices heard in the most public of forums, voting. The dreams of generations before them finally came to fruition, as after a long struggle, an entire culture was able to make democracy work for them at last.

Of course, if you know me (or read yesterday's post) you know I'm not talking about the presidential election or anything inconsequential like that. No, I'm talking about a more direct and effective form of democracy, the proposition...specifically, the ones in the states of Colorado and Washington legalizing marijuana for recreational use. Whatever your feelings on the plant, the people wanted it and they finally got it...the system occasionally works.

For a long time, critics of legalization efforts have pointed to things like road safety and allegedly decreased motivation as reasons to keep Growhibition going. Since people never drive under the influence of universally legal drugs like alcohol and prescription pills, and I don't write thousand-word essays multiple times a week with the assistance of such herbal stimulants, both of those arguments are airtight...but it's highly encouraging to see the governments of two states treat its citizens like the responsible, taxpaying adults that most of them are and give them the right to make their own decisions about what they put into their body.

Of course, there are rules to it, as there should be. You have to be 21 years of age to legally partake. It must be purchased at state-regulated--and state-taxed--stores. You cannot be visibly and dangerously intoxicated in public. If you are impaired while driving and are pulled over for it, you will be arrested. Any of that sound familiar?

Regulation is the answer here just as it was in the other scenario, because Prohibition just does not work...and that was for something that could blind you or make you dead if you tried to make it at home illegally. Imagine trying to prohibit something that grows out of the ground? You may as well try to ban real grass. I, for one, am glad that the facade is finally starting to crumble in real ways.

In case you're a bit slow on the intake, I'm something of a cannabis enthusiast myself. (Gasp!) I honestly forget the stuff is even illegal sometimes, as when I smoke it nobody is killed, raped, robbed or maimed...generally, I just get a little goofier, want some Hot n'Spicy Cheez-Its, feel like creating something, and feel like life is generally not so bad. I don't go out and commit horrible crimes that I don't remember like in "Reefer Madness" fact, a huff and a puff here and there has likely stopped me from blowing somebody's house down.

There are those who would say that I use it as some kind of crutch to distract me from my problems, but not only will you see a commercial for pills to do the exact same thing (and lightly kill you as an added bonus) if you watch TV for over an hour...if my worst character flaw is a mild senti-mental attachment to increased endorphin production, I'm a truly remarkable man.

Moving on, it's a definite win for the folk it affects in those states, but the true triumph comes in the precedents that will be set. Possibly in a year or two, when Western civilization hasn't totally collapsed in those areas due to a naturally-occurring plant being legal to posess and consume, other states may take a second look at their policies. They may see the increased tax revenue, increased tourism, decrease in non-violent offenders stuffing an overcrowded prison system, and lack of man-made haze fog hovering over legalized areas and actually make a common-sense decision. Imagine that.

Overall, I'm just glad to see that real progress can still be effected at the ballot box. It's not even just about weed, it's about "we"...we the people deciding for ourselves how we want to be governed, what standards and practices are acceptable in the society we all share, and what personal choices we can be trusted to make...but yeah, it's definitely about weed too. A new day is dawning, and for many residents of Washington and Colorado, it includes, for the first time, a perfectly legal wake-and-bake (well, under state law...federal law still prohibits the choice). Hopefully, it's only a matter of time before the governanny says we all can ingest whatever we want as long as it's not hurting anybody else...after all, we do call this a free country, right?
if u guys are ever worried about getting fired for taking pictures let me put u on some spy issh mmmkay
i got one of these when i had like 30 dollars in ebay bucks
u can covertly take pics, record conversations or even record videos without anyone knowing :smokin :smokin :smokin

Nah I'm good.

I was taking a picture at my former installation and I guess someone thought I was taking pictures of building plans or something like that.

That notion combined with my name drew red flags and they had the federal authorities search me and my vehicle and make it more than what it was.
i was with this chick for 3 years and she calls me every now and then to tell me how crappy her life is.the day before yesterday she told me she caught her bf talking to his baby mama..she calls me private(*67) for some reason, she told me about 4 months ago that one of her friends said that i was messing with her mom and she was doing things to get drugs from me, i laughed and she did too because it was just really outrageous and childish..but for some reason she told her mom on sunday and she called but i missed it,so then i received a text saying that shes a married woman and that i need to stop making up lies, i was like wtf,her daughter knew what she was doing starting drama.i txted the mom back and told her that the guy who said that i only met him once, years ago and that was it..i texted the daughter with the last number i had from her and her bf responded hey man stop talking to my girl she has nothing to say to youi responded by saying to tell his girl to stop calling me and telling me how useless you are..but me and the mom straightened it out and she told me that shes going down the drain, this ex i stopped talking to because she couldnt get her ish together i left her for a chick that has everything going on,the chick wasnt used to being dumped and that bothered her.

Other than eBay, where can I get Christmas sweaters for cheap? Nothing OD. I don't want a plush toy Rudolf hanging off my chest. Something knitted with stuff like snowflakes on it.

Examples of what I'm looking for:


if u guys are ever worried about getting fired for taking pictures let me put u on some spy issh mmmkay
i got one of these when i had like 30 dollars in ebay bucks
u can covertly take pics, record conversations or even record videos without anyone knowing :smokin :smokin :smokin

Nah I'm good.

I was taking a picture at my former installation and I guess someone thought I was taking pictures of building plans or something like that.

That notion combined with my name drew red flags and they had the federal authorities search me and my vehicle and make it more than what it was.

You a spy dog? Don't lie :nerd:

Your not really Jesus shuttlesworth are you :nerd:
Other than eBay, where can I get Christmas sweaters for cheap? Nothing OD. I don't want a plush toy Rudolf hanging off my chest. Something knitted with stuff like snowflakes on it.
Examples of what I'm looking for:

thrift stores like good will or find some garage sales around your area
Other than eBay, where can I get Christmas sweaters for cheap? Nothing OD. I don't want a plush toy Rudolf hanging off my chest. Something knitted with stuff like snowflakes on it.

Examples of what I'm looking for:



thrift stores like good will or find some garage sales around your area

I've tried that route, but I need something online that's more guaranteed. Plus it would be better if it wasn't used or second hand.
You're now in a game where only time can tell,

Survive the droughts, I wish you well
Survive the droughts, I wish you well

How sick am I ? I wish you health, I  wish you wheels, I wish you wealth , I wish you insight so you could see for yourself..

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