the thread about nothing...

there's nothing more annoying than than driving down the block and seeing something like this walking down the street...


But because of the low speed you're driving at, and the pace she's walking at, something like a pole can obstruct your view for 98% of your viewing window. :smh: this seems to happen to me all the time....

Got me lookin out of the back side window like
while trying not to crash...

ive almost crash multiple times due to some mass :smh:

that new ice cube joint everythangs corrupt is exactly how im feelin
on another note, my ex just texted me and said "YOU GON GET DIS WUUUUURRRRRK". I don't know where to go from here :lol:

If you are not already gainfully employed, I hope you clocked in and put in a full 8 hours.

gainfully employed with benefits. if I wasn't I would have drove that 30 min to put something in her life, no questions asked. the clamb game was epic. light skinned, good hair, gorgeous body.

this wasn't the ex I posted before here with the same characteristics either :lol:

Andis Clippers? I wouldn't even think about getting those close to my area. That's an accident waiting to happen.
Shick Intuition Naturals. These are the truth. Shout out to RIP Sleazy for the recommendation.


Repped. Thanks. I'll look into em soon

You will not regret it.

^^^ get those tweezers brah.. your sack bout to get sliced open doing that :smh:

Nahh. I have yet to cut myself using my Intuition, even when the lather bar thing is damn near gone. smooth as eggs, no nicks. I used to cut myself with da Pro Glide all the time though :smh: I definitely could not stand there and tweeze that region.

good luck on the midterm Cool.
this might be a weird question, but does cocaine come from the same plant that chocolate comes from?
Anytime I see FutureMD is suspended....and there is a new member who just joined racking up 100+ posts, I automatically assume that is Future putting in work.

Dude who is probably online now made as hell he can't hit that reply button.
this might be a weird question, but does cocaine come from the same plant that chocolate comes from?
Naw two different plants.
Cocaine comes from the coca plant.

Chocolate comes from the cacao plant.

Ok, my bad bro, I guess I could have figured that out myself

Hows your day going though? I'm great
All good bro

Thread about Nothing > Yahoo Answers

It's Friday, got some kicks getting delivered to the crib, hoops on tonight..some brews...I cant complain
there's nothing more annoying than than driving down the block and seeing something like this walking down the street...

But because of the low speed you're driving at, and the pace she's walking at, something like a pole can obstruct your view for 98% of your viewing window. :smh: this seems to happen to me all the time....
Got me lookin out of the back side window like
while trying not to crash...

If you see a chick that park your car somewhere and get out on foot to make sure you cross paths and pursue that.
Anytime I see FutureMD is suspended....and there is a new member who just joined racking up 100+ posts, I automatically assume that is Future putting in work.

Dude who is probably online now made as hell he can't hit that reply button.

how can you see someone is suspended?
What's good, TAN'ners? I'm back again to dump my semi-daily soapboxings in the thread, and today's fun with nothing is the case for prostitution being legal. Check it out...***-business-why-prostitution-should-be.html

Prostitution. The selling of sexual favors in a direct exchange for cash. The majority of people find the entire concept distasteful, but as it's often referred to as the world's oldest profession, it's clearly an acquired taste. Yes, people have been using **** for pleasure longer than they have used them for agriculture, and so it's certainly a strange thing to see that this most basic exchange of goods and services for currency is largely illegal in the capitalistic consumer society in which we live today.

Now, before I say any of what I have to say, please realize that this is not for me. I'm somewhat happily committed (and thereby fulfilled in that area, as is requisite), so I have no need of their services. I just think it's a little strange that some people can't ply their trade in the only career field they're good at. I also believe we're squandering a chance to boost our economy. What better way to stimulate it than by stimulating those who stimulate it...using a domestically produced, recession-proof, infinitely renewable resource? It's common sense to me, but others may need the benefits outlined in more detail...and so:

-Safety. If there's one thing we should know after the last civilization or so, it's that people are going to do it anyway. How do you stop someone from selling an item that's theirs to begin with, that they take everywhere they go, and that nobody can prove they sold unless they caught them in the act of doing so? That's right, you don't. So what do you do instead? Harm reduction...and a lot of that is done simply through legalization.

In Nevada, the only state where it's currently legal, there is a licensing process, disease screening, and regular health checkups mandated for all sex workers. Anyone who's ever taken a ride home from a shady part of town smelling like sweat, shame and chlamydia knows why those things are good ideas. By standardizing the requirements to legally sell sex, you create a better class of ***.

Also, by making it a legal enterprise, you destroy (or at least cripple) the black market, the seedy underbelly, and all the other dangerous cliches of the business...who's going to wander down alleys looking for loving in all the wrong places when they could just go to an official facility, check the hoefax, make the transaction, and keep their life moving? This also makes the sex slave trade less attractive, as getting illegal immigrants licensed for anything is somewhat difficult.

-Taxes. Pretty much anything purchased legally requires a tax be paid, and this would be no different. As mentioned, this is one of the few areas of commerce that are pretty much unaffected by the financial flux of an unstable economy, since it has been successfully running since there was no word for "economy". The tax revenue made from the sale of consensual sex would be significant...too much so to be ignored for reasons of universal palatability. Nobody can say our schools, social programs, and infrastructure couldn't use the money. If people laying on their backs can help our country move forward, I'm all for it.

-Romance. Stay with me here. In our modern world, love has a number of skewed interpretations, many having directly to do with the crotch. People will tell grandiose lies, make vast investments of time and capital, and make all manner of false commitments under the banner of "affection", purely to get into the pants of their target. I'm betting there would be somewhat less of that if one could shell out a couple hundreds bucks and satisfy their carnal desires and not have to be worried about being thrown in jail with rapists and murderers.Besides, in a time when one could simply pay a set amount to buy someone to play with for a while, would anyone play the dating game unless they were looking for companionship beyond the night?

As I so often say, people will get into relationships solely for good sex and leave one purely because of bad. Why would they get into one at all if that's really all they want and they could get it with way less hassle than actually getting to know somebody? It would sure cut down on the number of marriages stemming from purely physical reasons. Nobody can tell me that's not a good thing to be more confident that when somebody shows interest in you, they're showing it in all of you. (Better, now you're no longer a gold-digger, you're career-oriented!)

I realize most of that sounds like my argument on another issue, but that doesn't make it any less true. Besides the fact that prostitution is done on a regular basis regardless of its' legal status, those are 3 pretty good reasons why it should be as legal to sell orgasms as it is to sell Snuggies (and we all know how I despise those). People are promiscuous for absolutely free, who's to say one can't be an entrepre*****? For that matter, what else is being paid to do pornography but prostitution?

Of course, I realize there would be the question of advertising, and I'll certainly agree that sex probably shouldn't be plastered all over the media as a result of this potential new legalization...but then again, it is anyway. (Even more interesting, open the back pages of a big-city independent newspaper sometime.) It seems that it's already legal as long as you know to call it something else. All that typed, I'm really not sure why prostitution is still illegal...are you?
These people drilling holes in the wall next door got me reminiscing about Wood Shop in High School

I feel like building some **** now
These people drilling holes in the wall next door got me reminiscing about Wood Shop in High School

I feel like building some **** now
i built a headphone stand a while back..

i felt like that boy ron swanson.
I wanted to build a pool table...I told mysel that close to a decade ago

I need to see if Parks and Recs is on Netflix. So many shows I need to check out
These people drilling holes in the wall next door got me reminiscing about Wood Shop in High School

I feel like building some **** now
i built a headphone stand a while back..

i felt like that boy ron swanson.
I wanted to build a pool table...I told mysel that close to a decade ago

I need to see if Parks and Recs is on Netflix. So many shows I need to check out
it's on netflix, great show by the way.

you trying to swing for the fences with that pool table. 
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