the thread about nothing...

I kinda felt bad when my boss went off on my coworker until I heard this, "If me or Cord [me] tell you to do something, that's what you do, not what another department's director says." Still felt a lil bad. 
Originally Posted by Sleaze Jar Omens



Originally Posted by DaulDierce

I wanna do some cardio. I dont wanna run on treadmill. I wanna run outside.

I refuse to run around the block.

So im thinnking of going to the basketball courts just to run back and forth. Does anything think this would be weird if i were to do it? The court is empty now. But ppl drive by will prolly be like look at the kid running on the court with no basketball.

What yall think?
just running up and down or doing suicides or something like that?

just running up and down back and forth would look at a little bit strange, but to be honest, who cares as long as you are getting your workout.

i live in a double cul-de-sac'd, 1 way only, loop street with a park in the middle (kinda like my own bootleg track).  ill sometimes go out and run laps around my street and then stop after each lap and jog over to the grass area in the middle and start doing burpees/commandos before starting the next lap.  i get strange looks from my neighbors walkin their dogs, but i dont care.

Originally Posted by Shorty Doo Wop

Originally Posted by Lou Baton

I think kids should grow up having friends of all different races. Otherwise, they become ignorant adults. I work with someone like this and the things that come out of her mouth make me

Growing up in a culturally diverse neighborhood FTW
My circle from elementary to middle school was always multicultural. Caucasian, Hispanic, Indian, Vietnamese, Korean and me being the token black guy.
As of yesterday Google listed my office number as the phone number to a large hotel. For the past 2 days I have answered over 30 calls requesting, reservations, the concierge, the spa and most recently a woman who barley spoke English that had just landed at the airport and wanted to know where her shuttle is. I feel like I'm running a switchboard. It's funny and irritating at the same time.
^ can get top and have something pretty to look at....and dare I say, "talk to her"
This chick supposed to call me over to her dorm tonight to cook for me..[ lowkey excitement *Derick rose expression*]
We just cool for now, but I'm diggin' her...
Originally Posted by Young Handsome

This chick supposed to call me over to her dorm tonight to cook for me..[ lowkey excitement *Derick rose expression*]
We just cool for now, but I'm diggin' her...

I was literally just telling one of my boys handling females like D. Rose handles basketball is the key to success.

Get turned down/miss the shot =

Get the digits/score the shot =

Smash first date/dunk in traffic =
My boss pisses me off so much lazy %#% can't walk five steps to grab something so he trolls me to do it. Lazy %#% mofo
Originally Posted by Keif Sweat

Originally Posted by Young Handsome

This chick supposed to call me over to her dorm tonight to cook for me..[ lowkey excitement *Derick rose expression*]
We just cool for now, but I'm diggin' her...

I was literally just telling one of my boys handling females like D. Rose handles basketball is the key to success.

Get turned down/miss the shot =

Get the digits/score the shot =

Smash first date/dunk in traffic =

Rose gon have the
 face at the birth of his first child...

she just rescheduled for tomorrow night tho.... I ain't trippin
Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by Young Handsome

Originally Posted by Keif Sweat

Originally Posted by Young Handsome

This chick supposed to call me over to her dorm tonight to cook for me..[ lowkey excitement *Derick rose expression*]
We just cool for now, but I'm diggin' her...

I was literally just telling one of my boys handling females like D. Rose handles basketball is the key to success.

Get turned down/miss the shot =

Get the digits/score the shot =

Smash first date/dunk in traffic =

Rose gon have the
 face at the birth of his first child...

she just rescheduled for tomorrow night tho.... I ain't trippin
Spoiler [+]
 the D.Rose comments!! Dudes slogan should be 'it aint no thang' like they say on The Wire.
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