the thread about nothing...

Thank you!!
Saw this at Walgreens. Reminds me of a time these two guys approached my friends and I on the street when we were 19-20. They said they had "salesman samples" of name brand cologne but were actually off-brand generics similar to these. They were trying to sell us using the corniest expressions. He said, "Polo Black will put the girls on their back!". :lol:

Short story:
My best friend is in a tough place. Been dating this woman for like 2 years now. He is 31 she is 45. She has never been married and has no kids. She works in real estate. So long story short he wants to have kids. Getting pregnant naturally at her age is basically impossible. She is a "i don't like doctor's, i don't take like medicine i won't even take advil" type of person. So he hits me up like "idk what to do". She won't go see a doctor or go to a fertility clinic.

Option A: Look into adoption - which if you know anything about that process it can be expensive and really difficult
Option B: Break up?
Option C: Give up on having kids and stay with her?
Option D: Which i told him to do....MAKE her go see a doctor. Invetro is really expensive but you need to at least know if it is a possibility.

To add to all this she is basically his sugar mama. She buys him everything and they do tons of cool stuff on her dime since she is 45 and makes good money and has no kids. I ask tan what they would do...or at least tell him to do
Short story:
My best friend is in a tough place. Been dating this woman for like 2 years now. He is 31 she is 45. She has never been married and has no kids. She works in real estate. So long story short he wants to have kids. Getting pregnant naturally at her age is basically impossible. She is a "i don't like doctor's, i don't take like medicine i won't even take advil" type of person. So he hits me up like "idk what to do". She won't go see a doctor or go to a fertility clinic.

Option A: Look into adoption - which if you know anything about that process it can be expensive and really difficult
Option B: Break up?
Option C: Give up on having kids and stay with her?
Option D: Which i told him to do....MAKE her go see a doctor. Invetro is really expensive but you need to at least know if it is a possibility.

To add to all this she is basically his sugar mama. She buys him everything and they do tons of cool stuff on her dime since she is 45 and makes good money and has no kids. I ask tan what they would do...or at least tell him to do
Is she open to adopting kids or is she only opposed to having kids of her own? Is she open to trying a surrogate?
I know he’s your best friend but objectively, is there something “wrong” with him? As in has he never been that good with the ladies, unattractive or not well off enough financially that he can’t do “cool stuff” w/o her dime?

Because unless her P is out of this world, I can’t see how he stays in that situation with her with the info you provided when he wants kids and she doesn’t. Option A would be the humanitarian thing to do but aside from the difficulties you listed, I get the idea that your boy wants a child of his own contributing creation. Option C would have him resenting her down the line if he wants kids. And Option D I wouldn’t suggest either because of her advanced child bearing age. It is a medical fact that the higher in age a woman is when trying to conceive and carry, the higher the risk of the child being born with a life long ailment.

Option B, man.
Yo.. Been following these tweets about this Navy SEAL about to be pardoned.
If this is all accurate, he did some pretty EFFED Up ish overseas..Dang!
More tweets below that..
Is she open to adopting kids or is she only opposed to having kids of her own? Is she open to trying a surrogate?

He kind of walks that line when we talk. He really wants biological kids. But he has been like well i guess i could look into adoption. I don't really know her side of things but he says she wants kids. They have been trying to get pregnant for a bit now and it hasn't been working.

Surrogate is def a good idea but might be too "doctor intensive" for her old fashion views. I'm gonna bring that up to him though

I know he’s your best friend but objectively, is there something “wrong” with him? As in has he never been that good with the ladies, unattractive or not well off enough financially that he can’t do “cool stuff” w/o her dime?

Because unless her P is out of this world, I can’t see how he stays in that situation with her with the info you provided when he wants kids and she doesn’t. Option A would be the humanitarian thing to do but aside from the difficulties you listed, I get the idea that your boy wants a child of his own contributing creation. Option C would have him resenting her down the line if he wants kids. And Option D I wouldn’t suggest either because of her advanced child bearing age. It is a medical fact that the higher in age a woman is when trying to conceive and carry, the higher the risk of the child being born with a life long ailment.

Option B, man.

Objectively yes :lol:. To put it nicely he doesn't really put himself out there enough. He is a little nerdy (plays a ton of video games and has a degree in film so watches a ton of movies). He was contracted by her real estate company because he does photography for a living and takes pics of houses for websites basically. Thats how they met. So its not like he was out spittin game. And she is older and sees him as like young and attractive.

But he is basically walking away from everything one could want. She is super cool he really likes her personality he finds her attractive and she pays and does tons of things for him. Like aside from the kids part its almost perfect for him. So the real tough call is walking away from this perfect thing you have for the potential of kids. But if you never meet anyone new...are you going to like get a surrogate and be a single dad and feel more fulfilled? Idk

But i think you are right as like hollywood and cliche as it sounds i think it would be easier to just end it. I know he won't. And he is going to just ride it out because thats his personality. Unless something comes along and falls into his lap he won't be doing anything proactive to help the situation
Short story:
My best friend is in a tough place. Been dating this woman for like 2 years now. He is 31 she is 45. She has never been married and has no kids. She works in real estate. So long story short he wants to have kids. Getting pregnant naturally at her age is basically impossible. She is a "i don't like doctor's, i don't take like medicine i won't even take advil" type of person. So he hits me up like "idk what to do". She won't go see a doctor or go to a fertility clinic.

Option A: Look into adoption - which if you know anything about that process it can be expensive and really difficult
Option B: Break up?
Option C: Give up on having kids and stay with her?
Option D: Which i told him to do....MAKE her go see a doctor. Invetro is really expensive but you need to at least know if it is a possibility.

To add to all this she is basically his sugar mama. She buys him everything and they do tons of cool stuff on her dime since she is 45 and makes good money and has no kids. I ask tan what they would do...or at least tell him to do
Option B.
Let her see the light.
She must be a career women married to job, she would have to come a self-realization that she wasted one of the many gifts GOD gave women “bearing children”
Them eggs don’t last forever and its alot more difficult to have children at her age it might also put a risk to her self and the child.
Her body, her choice at the end of the day though.
If he can’t deal with that compromise it duces and find another women.
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