the thread about nothing...

Bro... I feel your pain. Kinda the opposite for me but I'm in management. Every single store I've worked in I've had to deal with white chicks that don't like me for whatever stupid reason.

The past 7 months I've been dealing with this girl I'm pretty sure suffers from some type of mental illness. Anyway she's been calling the HR hotline on me constantly for the pettiest ****. Going too fast while training her, not buying her coffee when I offer to buy other coworkers coffee even though I've asked her in the past and she said she doesn't drink coffee. I had a Campbell soup bowl in the back and she didn't have lunch one day and refused. I got to wat my soup a couple days later and... gone. No thank you or anything.

Anyway I was interviewing for a different store last week and was in the HR review process and sure enough her constant HR phone calls flagged me and I don't get the promotion for showing more than 2 pieces of merch at a time (no one follows this rule, and I've been working for the company 7 years, never lost anything I was showing). Long story short... ol girl cost me about 50-70k. Needless to say I was pissed, and they expected me to keep working with this snake. Gave them an ultimatum and her *** is getting transferred, which I don't know what she thought would happen. She been with the company 1/10th time as me and I do more than 3/4x her sales, but she thought they were gonna fire me on BS after paying for me to relocate 1k miles away. That white privilege was working for a while... until she started pissing off other white people.
I work in pharmacy, Boss at my job was hating on me for a year. Wouldn’t give me full time or let me pick up hrs anywhere. So I went behind her back an got a full time transfer to another store. Got approved when I told her her tried to block it. Just understand y people hate so much
I remember working part time and hurting for full time hours. I wouldnt say my managers were hating on me, but they did block me from picking up some hours while letting other PT workers pick up the same hours (using the excuse of PT workers could only average X number of hours per quarter and I was over that while such and such worker was not. Should have explained that to me when denying the hours however. Not providing the explanation while also giving the hours to a family member of a supervisor was a TERRIBLE look and had me feeling strongly enough about it to address the situation with all the managers).

Anyway...full time position opens up at another location and I apply without telling anyone. I did not do so out of spite. I'm just a terrible communicator. In my mind, it was my life and did not effect anyone else so why would they need to know? I realize now that it did effect others and now in my life while i wouldn't alert anyone of an external job search, I would probably make sure my direct supervisor knows about an internal job search. Come to think of it though, the one internal job search I did with my current company was also done without directly informing my supervisor. They were aware, but I did not go out of my way to tell them.

Anywho, after my interview for the full time position, my manager at the time calls me into his office. Tells me I did really well at the interview but was upset I didn't let him know I was going for the position and actually would have provided me some tips for the interview.
I feel the same way about my fam. They made it this way. Not me..I avoid them for the most part and don't feel bad at all about it.
Yea I avoid going there like the plague. I remember responding to someone here a while back cuz theyre in the same situation, just cuz we’re family doesn’t mean anything when they’re ****ed up. They never felt like family to me. I have friends and their family treat me more like a family member.
Yea I avoid going there like the plague. I remember responding to someone here a while back cuz theyre in the same situation, just cuz we’re family doesn’t mean anything when they’re ****ed up. They never felt like family to me. I have friends and their family treat me more like a family member.

In all honesty, my college friends are more like my family than my actual blood relatives. I go by them for holidays, share my personal life, borrow/lend money, plan trips, etc. I wouldn't do that with my "real" family at all. They destroyed my self esteem as a kid and it took until my adult years to build it where it needed to be. I had to be around them as a kid, but now as an adult, f**k them.
In all honesty, my college friends are more like my family than my actual blood relatives. I go by them for holidays, share my personal life, borrow/lend money, plan trips, etc. I wouldn't do that with my "real" family at all. They destroyed my self esteem as a kid and it took until my adult years to build it where it needed to be. I had to be around them as a kid, but now as an adult, f**k them.
I understand where you’re coming from. My “family” was/is the exact same way. I can’t believe it sometimes how shady they are. My late grandma use to tell my friends’ parents not to let their kids hang out with me cuz I was a bad kid when I didn’t do **** at that age. She always favored my bro and bro was prob faking it. She died last year and my bro didn’t even go to the funeral. My parents used to beat me bad for no reason cuz he lied to them. My sis stole money from me. And a whole lot more. There are many times I asked wtf me. But life moves on and I avoid all of them now.
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My cousin is getting married this weekend.
I totallly spazzed out on the date.
I think i gotta make the drive to San Fran tomorow after work.
Then drive back Sunday afteroon
One benefit of working from home is I can take a dump comfortably. Typing this as I ****
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