the thread about nothing...

How much would it take for you to shave your head bald right now if someone offered you cash.
I ran some numbers through my head and it's $400 for me.

I know plenty girls that have said they wouldn't do it for a million :lol: :smh: some would have a mood change if that bag came in the room.
How much would it take for you to shave your head bald right now if someone offered you cash.
I ran some numbers through my head and it's $400 for me.

I know plenty girls that have said they wouldn't do it for a million :lol: :smh: some would have a mood change if that bag came in the room.
You asked another hypothetical like this a few weeks ago, forgot what it was... can you remind me?
Anyway, not much. I wouldn't mind trying something new and my hair grows fast. :lol:
Going through it right now lol
Just not letting it get to me.
Taking 2 emergen C packets in the AM every morning
I used to not see the appeal in Bana and didn't understand why you clowns used to beast over her. But she's grown on my recently :blush:

Not caring what people think is the best feeling in the world. I chuckle when I see people get in their feelings over the most petty things people say about them especially online. :lol:
I would go bald for free ef it. Kinda want to evenly grow my hair out long anyways
How much would it take for you to shave your head bald right now if someone offered you cash.
I ran some numbers through my head and it's $400 for me.

I know plenty girls that have said they wouldn't do it for a million :lol: :smh: some would have a mood change if that bag came in the room.

Been growing my hair now for 8 months and i would shave it bald for $100...maybe less. But like $100 seems good
I was rocking the bald look for a while so I don’t mind it

I would probably shave it for $100

Only because I been growing it for a year plus and it’s past my shoulders right now
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