the thread about nothing...

Look like high


damn prince would have took grizz to the HOLE easily
Red lobster biscuits are the truth. Do they do lobster rolls? Outside of the East coast I have no idea where I'd find lobster rolls

you can get em on the wharf in SF, I like this spot that the NT brethren put me on to tho in Burlingame.

Dog she bout to rip homeboys arm out the socket lol. If that was my boy id hit her over the head with a chair on some wwe ish

I can't even tell if she pulled his arm backwards behind him or up over his head.

Either way I'd been crying uncle.
We won today's game.
This team was talking sooooo much mess too. Our team got 4 yellow cards lol we were all just heated. First half we were tied 1-1.
Second half we said, let's chill and not let it get to us.
We ended up winning 4-1
Morning Tan
had a good weekend. Playing too much soccer my body is starting to break down.
Been watching "Love" on netflix....can't get the chemistry between the main characters...people love it but like i just can't get into it

Just bought a steamer for my clothes because i don't have an iron...and heard it was a better option....guess we will see
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