the thread about nothing...

That was made with a particular woman in mind but applies to alot of women in general. Maybe not to that extent, but as far as their body goes, that happens alot. ...............I know her personally, pretty good friend, and she literally posts everything outside of the days shes on her period (wait, i think she posts that too...........the "its about that time, dont call or text me" lmfao)
That was made with a particular woman in mind but applies to alot of women in general. Maybe not to that extent, but as far as their body goes, that happens alot. ...............I know her personally, pretty good friend, and she literally posts everything outside of the days shes on her period (wait, i think she posts that too...........the "its about that time, dont call or text me" lmfao)

Yeah, I'm not sure I would be comfortable dating a woman who enjoys posting everything online. I wouldn't want our business posted everywhere or have her 'check-in' to every place we frequent. 

I swear, some people are too social media happy. (my mom)
yeah thats harder then hitting the caps lock

memphis something? i think is dudes name who types in all caps. I remember saying to him back in the day like no offense but i don't read a single thing you post because the all caps has me yelling every word in my head. So everything you type is angry to me so i skip it
:lol:  I know what you mean. When he was talking about installing his surround system in his home, I thought he was pissed.
This :lol:
I'll never understand why some people feel the need to be right even when they're clearly wrong lol

Instructor asks for the time
Instructor: Rare, give us the time!
Me: *looks at time on phone* 4:28, two minutes left :pimp:
Other dude: *looks at his watch that's a minute ahead* it's 4:29 actually, he looked at his phone and I bet it says 4:29

Bruh, what you doing all that for? I simply ignored it lol
yeah thats harder then hitting the caps lock

memphis something? i think is dudes name who types in all caps. I remember saying to him back in the day like no offense but i don't read a single thing you post because the all caps has me yelling every word in my head. So everything you type is angry to me so i skip it
This killed me haha 
Doesn't it get tiring capitalizing every word?
Word lol idk how people do it

yeah thats harder then hitting the caps lock

memphis something? i think is dudes name who types in all caps. I remember saying to him back in the day like no offense but i don't read a single thing you post because the all caps has me yelling every word in my head. So everything you type is angry to me so i skip it

yALl wErEnt aRoUnD whEn thE uP aNd DowN cAps On AoL wAs PoPpIn ofF? YaLL dOnT kNoE

not gonna lie that took awhile to type :lol: getting rusty in my old age :frown:
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yALl wErEnt aRoUnD whEn thE uP aNd DowN cAps On AoL wAs PoPpIn ofF? YaLL dOnT kNoE

not gonna lie that took awhile to type :lol: getting rusty in my old age :frown:

Nah I remember when that was poppin, I just never gave into it. I would straight up ignore people if they typed like that when talking to me :lol:
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