the thread about nothing...

I need a new job. I mean I'm still at the minimum wage level while I'm in school but the current store I work in is a sinking ship :lol:. Something with a worthwhile discount, on that Ron Artest %#^&.
i just seen a picture of jill scott that made me horny ......

this one?

Kaylin Garcia is perfection.
i hate joe budden and wish nothing but the absolute worst for him.
that is all.
I gotta get the hell out of Atlanta, after spending 4 years away in college being back home with no job sucks.
Kaylin Garcia is perfection.
i hate joe budden and wish nothing but the absolute worst for him.
that is all.
No sir no. Joe Budden is the man. Tell me why you hate a man as cool as him?
I gotta get the hell out of Atlanta, after spending 4 years away in college being back home with no job sucks.
Atlanta sucks I feel your pain bro.
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Kaylin Garcia is perfection.
i hate joe budden and wish nothing but the absolute worst for him.

that is all.
No sir no. Joe Budden is the man. Tell me why you hate a man as cool as him?
he smashing my future baby mama/wife.
i dont appreciate that.
yes jelly is on 1000x
Understandable. Unlike the rest of NT I dont appreciate Scott Disik because of him taking Kourtney K away from the world.

Oh yeah I forgot to post this earlier but Alisa >>>>>
I gotta get the hell out of Atlanta, after spending 4 years away in college being back home with no job sucks.
i feel you sorta. I went to school in DC and work there (5 years here is too long) and its like a damn bubble. I keep seeing the same faces everywhere I go and most still act like they are in college, trying to use their job titles/money to impress people. not my scene at all. the friends i had here all left for other spots.

I really want to go back to Chicago but its really hard finding a decent job out there.
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smh at the call i just received

do share about this phone call ?

A girl whos sister I used to mess with is a freshman at a school near mine. She apparently got drunk at a party at her school last night and, somehow her and her friends ended up coming to my school. She passed out at my mans house and was throwing up so they put her in the tub. She wakes up this morning freaking out like "OMG I can't go back to my school, its the walk of shame. My mom is calling me omg, she'll know omg omg omg, dont tell my sister please dont tell my sister."

I'm just like ok, but she just kept rambling on.

sidenote- nothing happened to her, no touching or things like that
Kaylin Garcia is perfection.
i hate joe budden and wish nothing but the absolute worst for him.
that is all.

I kind of know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let Kaylin go now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you.
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It has been a wet Labor Day Weekend, but I'm gonna make the most of today, which includes getting some homework done early!
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