the thread about nothing...

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Prices for shipping boxes are pretty ridiculous.

I wanted to explore DC today, but it's raining.

Happy Monday, TAN. Hoping the short week goes by real quick.
Getting a brain MRI tomorrow. For a change I'm actually hoping the doctors are wrong 

Will be getting the results on either my neurology appointment on January 7th or my endocrinology appointment on Jan. 9th since they were the ones who ordered it.

Still waiting on that letter from the social security agency too 

I was supposed to get a letter about my eligibility for a monthly disability allowance back in November.

Sent them an email about it earlier in December and they said I'd get a letter last week with instructions on where to send my 2015 tax form.

Officially I have no employment so my tax form is €0 so that should guarantee the approval of my allowance. 

Still no letter in my mailbox though 
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