the thread about nothing...

atl came out in 2006
2006 babies will be ten years old starting friday
you've begun to go to bed at ten o'clock
death is near and at your old age you no longer have the leg stamina to run from it anymore.
What did he do? Karl Malone always seems off..

Impregnated a 13 year old when he 20... When courts ruled he had to pay child support, he claimed $125 a week was excessive... When the kid was 18 Malone told him that they would never have a relationship and never to contact him...

Kid actually became a NFL players for Dallas...
What did he do? Karl Malone always seems off..

Impregnated a 13 year old when he 20... When courts ruled he had to pay child support, he claimed $125 a week was excessive... When the kid was 18 Malone told him that they would never have a relationship and never to contact him...

Kid actually became a NFL players for Dallas...

Kid name is Demetress Bell. .I just read some more information.. :smh:
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I have so much on my mind that I don't even know where to start.
...and now I got a headache
Damn [emoji]9996[/emoji][emoji]127995[/emoji]️
Just got back from SF.
Will be leaving to Tokyo on the 14th.
I been on vacation for the last 2 weeks.
I feel like I have so much to do but I really don't know where to begin....Maybe it's just this headache getting the best of me right now
saw this comment on worldstar...

That Time Warner Cable logo is BLATANTLY the all-seeing eye of Lucifer! lmao Yall really don't see the secrets hidden in plain sight????

What if all these entertainers from Kobe and Jordan to Justin Bieber and Kanye. To Leonardo DiCaprio to Blake Sheldon and The Weeknd are all pre-planted distractions to keep us away from the truth? To keep us away from our actual purpose in life? We are stuck in the matrix not knowing sin from righteousness anymore! What if I told you life was a test and all these entertainers that keep us asleep and docile are just that, TESTS. What if they are not one of us? You have ONE life to live and ONE shot to get it right, what makes you fully believe these people at the HIGHEST level of entertainment weren't granted that life as a for of trial to see what you all, the "normal" people gravitate towards. Do you emulate these alcohol drinking, fornicating, money worshiping, arrogant celebrities or are you unmesmerized by the mirage and see the true goal at hand?

Yall ever watch an NBA or NFL game and just think to yourself, man this is scripted! The games a lot of times play out with storylines coming into the game and then during the game it's like a Hollywood scripted movie of an "edge of your seat" experience! It's hard to explain but those who regularly watch sports and aren't asleep spiritually know what i'm talking about!

If this comment resonates with you, shoot me an email and i'll be happy to discuss some of the truth that i've found over the years on what life is really about and just how complex this illusion we call life is.
With that said... Me and a Co worker completely believe in "matrix glitches" :lol:... This can include a lot of things, but mostly little every say stuff... Like if you think if out about the episode of the Simpsons "Homer at Bat", and that episode randomly appears when you flip the channel that day or the next... Or you think about someone you used to know years ago and they appear out if the blue walking down the street as you are later that day... Or you watching a a brand new episode of a TV show, think about a song that has nothing to do with said show, and the show features that song later on in the same episode... little things that seem just a little to weird to be sheer coincidences... But not weird enough to really think hard about it.... Mild esp?...

Anyways... We had our work Xmas party a couple weeks ago at an Asian restaurant... He picked me up and drove me and a couple others... So we're talking and he's like...

Him : CelticsPride34, you really like Dragons right?

Me : yeah man I do, why do you ask...

Him : would you mind if I dragged my balls on your face.

Me : :lol: gfy :lol:

We get to the restaurant and at the top of the special board: DRAGON BALLS :lol:.. They were tasty as hell and no clue what they were :lol:...

Anyone else have stuff like this happen on a regular basis?...
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