the thread about nothing...

Passed two of my classes.....I have to wait til next week to find out if I passed advanced accounting.

After that, I graduate!
Professors be playing with entering these grades
 Got 2 -B's so far... I know I'm getting atleast an A in Info Tech  and probably a C or -C in accounting 
  but ill take  that and run anyone who ever had that class before knows its not for mere mortals.. Not bad for 3 years removed from school 
next semester is all business classes minus statistics so definitely A's in every class! Pray for me y'all I'm trying to get into either Baruch or Brooklyn College for marketing in the Fall 
last day of school :pimp:

no more she should have swallowed accidents on da transit system till da new year :pimp:

heavy rain and they was playing trying to tempting a papi to pull out da musket :smh:
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