the thread about nothing...

Going to ask my Girlfriend to marry me on New Year's Eve at Midnight. But I'm trying to think of a great way to surprise her with the Question.

My girl wanted to use my phone to look something up. The whole time I was looking like....
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Thinking about taking a major trip right now in January. The opportunity is really too good to miss out. I would miss a week of school but it would be worth it. I been thinking about it since Wednesday but I'm scared the price will change....
Life lol
After last night I'm done messing up what god has set up for ya boy. It (god) was on my side last night and has been dropping a lot of hints to things to keep me out of trouble all I have to do now is get rid of any negativity in my mind and focus on positivity and becoming better all around.

This is my little brother I swear. :lol: Dude is always dancing and hype for no reason.

Also this lil ***** been calling me Peter Pan for the last 2 weeks. Everytime I come downstairs I hear "I'm Captain Hook! Did you find my treasure Peter Pan?" :smh: :lol:
Morning Tan

Leave for florida in 8 days. Work can't go by quick enough. Goodbye cold weather hello 80 degrees

Hope everyone flourishes this monday.
We had an employee christmas dinner last night, was nervous as hell since this would be my first with them but it was fun 
 felt like the man when I was in the middle of 2 fine coworkers. Space was a little tight but I'm not complaining 
did you have to step back because you were dancing too close? Did they feel a little poke coming through.....on you?
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