the thread about nothing...

smh I feel asleep around 8/9 because I didn't feel good..woke up around 12 and ive been up since...its 4 now..hopefully I can get alteast 2-3 hours before I have to get ready for work
This is still crazy to me. Shaq's 6'8" son, who's a H.S. freshman, towers over competition but runs the court and dishes like a guard.

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Morning Tan

Hope everyone has a great Wednesday. Trying to work hard today and then go have a great legs day at the gym. Let us all be great today, nothing but positive vibes
Wonder if he will actually get to sell the shoes he spammed to get to 300 posts to sell before he catches the ban.
That feel, once he realizes all that was a complete waste of time.
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Nah ur not tripping ^

I walked outta work today during a meeting with my area manager and psychologist. The area manager totally disregardng my condition. ****** off
Black n Mild's :x  I used to smoke them religiously doe.

Used to freak blacks all the time when was a freshman in HS :rofl:

Might have to pick one up today.

the thread about nothing

the thread about nothing

the thread about nothing

the thread about nothing

the thread about nothing

the thread about nothing

the thread about nothing

the thread about nothing

the thread about nothing

the thread about nothing

the thread about nothing

the thread about nothing

the thread about nothing

the thread about nothing

the thread about nothing

the thread about nothing

the thread about nothing

the thread about nothing

the thread about nothing

the thread about nothing

the thread about nothing

the thread about nothing

the thread about nothing

the thread about nothing

the thread about nothing

the thread about nothing

the thread about nothing

the thread about nothing

the thread about nothing

the thread about nothing

Dat story doe :pimp:
random old co-worker just got D's implanted...I'm not that impressed, eghh

pics :nerd:

I kinda want a girlfriend this summer but at the same time I like the freedom that goes with being single. Damn this sucks

dat user name to post ratio

Mornin TAN

I very rarely talk to my dad about my personal life. Something had come up and in passing i was like yeah me and this girl went there. Then my dads girlfriend asked me who it was so i gave a name and said she is cool. So saturday my dads gf asked me how me and the girl were and i said the same thing she is cool. Asked me a few things about her i told her where she worked (retail store) that was about it. Little did either of them know that me and this female are actually dating. So Sunday rolls around and i come to find out that they stopped into her store asked for her and met her. She calls me from work like...uhh just met your dad and his gf. I was like what????

Not even by accident like rolled into her job and asked for her. She had no clue what he looked like or anything. They were like "there is an older gentleman here asking for you". She was like who in the hell...Then everyone in the store was like who was everyone of her friends that she works with prob thinks my dad is super creepy showing up out of the blue like that without even knowing her or knowing anything between us was actually going on.

welp. sorry to hear that bruh.

day off and i'm spending it doing backyard work |I

GrizzlyAnimal GrizzlyAnimal 's porch >

Smoked a black n mild earlier, almost passed out walking back home. :lol: I think I'm done with these.

nobody likes a quitter.

I'm already mentally on vacation. I have one more month to go....|I

where you going :nerd:

Would you rather smash a goat but no one knows or not smash a goat but everybody thinks you did?

This is still crazy to me. Shaq's 6'8" son, who's a H.S. freshman, towers over competition but runs the court and dishes like a guard.

do it mitch :nerd:

Morning Tan

Hope everyone has a great Wednesday. Trying to work hard today and then go have a great legs day at the gym. Let us all be great today, nothing but positive vibes

New coworker.
early 40s.
shmokes like me.
im going in, with not one damn or regret.

How you get in with co workers homie?

Two older women at my work that have higher positions than me but smokin af.
One Asian, late 20's. The other is Egyptian , early 30's, gorgeous face. Her hijab only makes her look more gorgeous.
Both have the perfect slim body.

I'm 22 and make significantly more money than me. Little to no interest at all :lol:
Yesterday I found out I got accepted for this new job and start next Tuesday . Iono how I'm gonna tell my current boss that I'm gonna leave when I see him today.. Kinda nervous lol
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