the thread about nothing...


Yeah they do...

Sometimes I just want to get behind one and pull their skirt up, put my hand in their *** crack, and then run off...

***** childish...
^i does it all the time :smh:

anyone what's wrong with my browser/settings?
trying to play flash videos(youtube/hub) on firefox, and all i get is only the audio and a black screen. works when i use other browsers (IE, chrome)
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Here's a story...

Anyone ever been to Tony's Pizza located on the strip at Myrtle Beach? It's located right beside Ripley's Believe It or Not.

So this is back in 2002. I'm down there for my senior trip after graduation, and I'm with my 3 closest friends at the time along with my older brother who we was supposed to be our chaperone...:smh: we order an extra large pizza with one topping. The pizza was great, probably the best you'll find in Myrtle Beach.

After eating it we receive the check, and this **** is like $38.00.


So we look over the check and see something listed at the bottom called "Tony's Tax"...:smh:

That **** was like $10.00


So we're like we do our little routine at the counter, being hard and ****, and basically we're like who the **** is Tony?

Swear to God man...

The dude at the counter points to an older Italian guy in the corner by himself with dark shades on just chillin' reading the newspaper...8)

But he's facing us the whole time, so he had to see us visibly upset about this whole thing, but once the guy pointed him out and we all looked at him, Tony gave us this little nod.

We paid that **** with no hesitation after that.
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Just had the Last midterm. now start our super late spring break. Sux that we come back then 3 weeks and its finals. Smh
Here's a story...

Anyone ever been to Tony's Pizza located on the strip at Myrtle Beach? It's located right beside Ripley's Believe It or Not.

So this is back in 2002. I'm down there for my senior trip after graduation, and I'm with my 3 closest friends at the time along with my older brother who we was supposed to be our chaperone...
mean.gif we order an extra large pizza with one topping. The pizza was great, probably the best you'll find in Myrtle Beach.

After eating it we receive the check, and this **** is like $38.00.


So we look over the check and see something listed at the bottom called "Tony's Tax"...

That **** was like $10.00


So we're like we do our little routine at the counter, being hard and ****, and basically we're like who the **** is Tony?

Swear to God man...

The dude at the counter points to an older Italian guy in the corner by himself with dark shades on just chillin' reading the newspaper...

But he's facing us the whole time, so he had to see us visibly upset about this whole thing, but once the guy pointed him out and we all looked at him, Tony gave us this little nod.

We paid that **** with no hesitation after that.
Y'all ran up on the greek. Glad you knew what to do
What's this anime again? I can't remember.

to those in the dumps lately, this one's for you:

abundance mentality. remember this gentleman. keep on keeping on because no matter how you look at it, no matter how much times you try, there's so many of us out there in the sea, that someday somehow, someone will be down to **** with you.

Thanks for this, I honestly appreciate it. Nothing has been working out lately for me at all and I'm just tired & frustrated with life, all I can do is laugh at all this **** though. :lol:

I've been wanting to give up life a lot recently but something keeps me going. I also have been waking up everyday for a awhile looking for a deeper meaning to my life but I don't think there is, I'm just here living trying to land a career I like to do & maybe find some love on the journey.

Getting those thoughts out made me feel better. TAN be safe & I love you guys. :pimp:
What's this anime again? I can't remember.
Thanks for this, I honestly appreciate it. Nothing has been working out lately for me at all and I'm just tired & frustrated with life, all I can do is laugh at all this **** though. :lol:

I've been wanting to give up life a lot recently but something keeps me going. I also have been waking up everyday for a awhile looking for a deeper meaning to my life but I don't think there is, I'm just here living trying to land a career I like to do & maybe find some love on the journey.

Getting those thoughts out made me feel better. TAN be safe & I love you guys. :pimp:

Don't stop bro keep on going. Chin up. Know that you already got a good mindset even tho the situation is tough.

Focus on yourself. Find new hobbies, go out have fun, but most importantly take this time to learn to love yourself.

You got this b, let no one else tell you otherwise.
Hood Friday off 
 Hitting the outlets, loafing, and making a gym move.  I'm super content w/ it. 
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