the thread about nothing...

Congrats bro, that is good to hear. I struggled with addiction for so long. I just got a job last week, but was sober for quite some time before that. I was on dope, drink, n pills. My Gramma passed in December, n it just compounded my struggle with alcoholism. I began popping more pills n sniffing meth. I began losing track of time n before I knew it, months had passed. It took some time, but I am completely sober now n on my way to living out my dreams. You serve as an inspiration n a n example of what can happen with the right outlook on life :smokin

We have damn near the same story. Same drugs I messed with, problems, deaths. You are also an inspiration my friend. I never thought meth would be something I'd ever see in my life let alone try it. It made me feel great in a bad time. I had a decent amount of $$ in the bank so I stayed high. The first time I didn't have it I layed in bed crying for no reason. Thinking my life was awful and I just wanted it to end. It could never get better. But it did. Yes I relapsed a couple times but always came back to my senses. I cleaned up with no help, no counseling and just quit cold turkey. My family doesn't even know I had any struggles, I kept everything hidden inside. The only reason my girlfriend knew about anything is because we live together and she only thinks I had a drinking problem. She doesn't know about the pills and dope. That's my deep dark secret. This is the first time I've ever told anyone about the dope. It feels nice to get it out.
I am proud of myself, I can say I did this by myself and nobody can take that away from me.
There is always light at the end of the tunnel. It may be dim or you might not even be able to see it but it's there. I know from experience.

Good **** :smokin

It's not easy battling addiction, but when you do finally beat it, you see the world in a whole new light. It's good to hear about other's triumphs.

Well, went up to my supervisor and blatantly asked "Whens my last day here?" He told me he'd get back to me on that before the day was over with, lo and behold at around 3:30 he comes to my position and hands me the letter. I could tell he felt bad handing me that letter, even in his voice since he really didn't want to have to let me go. Criticized the new company that bought us and their policies, but it is what it is. Came home and the first thing I did was ask my cousin the deal with this new job, he told me they hold classes periodically throughout the year (just so happens that they hold one in October, and my last day of work is 9/28/2014 :pimp: ). Can't front, this job taught me how to really communicate with people, and be assertive when enforcing safety procedures, etc. 10.50 an hour and AC here I come :evil:
flourish young one
Doing my best. Also on the female situation, she's talking marriage, instantly :lol: & I know the ending will not be pretty between the two of them. Basically gonna coast, sit back and watch it all crumble.

Good luck man, I know you'll do great. N he who laughs last, laughs best :smokin

I'm not surprised.

All you have to do is read dudes replies and attitude toward women and you know these dudes ain't never held hands before.

one of my favorite things about this site is how completely oblivious some of these ****** are :lol:

I know right, **** is beyond funny. I wonder what these dudes are like around real life females?

didnt want to leave the house to go grocery shopping, watching football, so i made the weirdest meal perhaps ive ever made...
THIS: (there was also bacon involved, but i have no packaging for that)((the price tag thing was a random steak i cooked and added))
-some random canned chow mein thing (was pretty gross)
--"zazzed it up" with:
-beef cup o noodles
-frozen, fully cooked hamburger patty
-2 eggs
-the random t-bone steak i had
-bag of frozen veggies.

ill be honest, i had to get :smokin :pimp: to really "enjoy" it, but it was oddly delicious at that point.


Sometimes dat alcohol got you doing dumb **** :lol:

If I was there , I'd be just as drunk telling you to add more crazy **** :lol:

Did you put windex on them windows recently?

Not that I know of, unless my mom did earlier. It was pretty clear so it coulda thought nothing was there but idk why the bird would try n fly right at me. It was chilling on porch when I came home. And then it just stood there for like a half hour. Just odd, it was a lil black bird

Bruh, crows are one of my 3 fears. Them ****s fly, travel in flocks called murders, n can remember faces. **** that **** :lol:

Jesus Christ I wish I was an athlete so I could be sponsored by whole foods.

you could tattoo whole foods on yo forehead and see where that gets you.

Bruh :lol:

From here on out I will do my homework the day I get it. I'm getting sleepy and ready to just lay down.

You lie

Down, not lay down
M moe fab How's the electrician thing working out?
Took a break from my apprenticeship search last week :smh:

I started working at the pick-a-part, well I should say slaving :lol:, but I'm going to check my status next week to see how fast I'm moving up the list. I should have an apartment in about a month, I've been staying in a hotel, n then I'll start pressing the issue. I'm not giving up tho, it's just on the backburner for now.

Have you found any other electric work? I remember @jhowlett saying something like that.

When da ugly twin like you buy da hot one don't :smh:

Fraternal twins I presume, it'd be pretty ****d up if they were identical :lol:

When da ugly twin like you buy da hot one don't :smh:

@Antidope :nerd:

Dat ether :lol:

My thoughts exactly :smh:
I started working at the pick-a-part, well I should say slaving :lol:, but I'm going to check my status next week to see how fast I'm moving up the list. I should have an apartment in about a month, I've been staying in a hotel, n then I'll start pressing the issue. I'm not giving up tho, it's just on the backburner for now.

Have you found any other electric work? I remember @jhowlett saying something like that.


Family stuff kinda getting in the way.

I'm not giving up either tho.
Man I'm just at a loss tonight...

My girlfriend has an alcoholic problem and alcohol changes her to a completely different person. Once she starts, she can't stop.

We've been together for 3+ years now and I'm at a point where I'm looking to settle down and start a family, but she can't kick this alcohol issue. When she is sober, shes my best friend, and things are great. The moment she starts to drink, things do downhill quick. It seems as if she doesn't want to stop and wants to keep going out and partying when I'm sitting here trying to start something long-term, get married, start a family. A drink every know and then is fine, but when she has to 'turn up' every single time, it gets old. Not to mention all the verbal shade she throws me... i think i've had enough. :smh:
I started working at the pick-a-part, well I should say slaving :lol:, but I'm going to check my status next week to see how fast I'm moving up the list. I should have an apartment in about a month, I've been staying in a hotel, n then I'll start pressing the issue. I'm not giving up tho, it's just on the backburner for now.

Have you found any other electric work? I remember @jhowlett saying something like that.


Family stuff kinda getting in the way.

I'm not giving up either tho.

It happens, I'm actually going through family issues right now as well.

What ever happened with that auditor chick?

feel like ima bomb this interview and speech tomorrow 

You'll be alright. Be confident n you'll flourish.

Man I'm just at a loss tonight...

My girlfriend has an alcoholic problem and alcohol changes her to a completely different person. Once she starts, she can't stop.

We've been together for 3+ years now and I'm at a point where I'm looking to settle down and start a family, but she can't kick this alcohol issue. When she is sober, shes my best friend, and things are great. The moment she starts to drink, things do downhill quick. It seems as if she doesn't want to stop and wants to keep going out and partying when I'm sitting here trying to start something long-term, get married, start a family. A drink every know and then is fine, but when she has to 'turn up' every single time, it gets old. Not to mention all the verbal shade she throws me... i think i've had enough. :smh:

Have you talked about it with her n let her know your stance, without it turning into an argument? If not, do it, it's better to talk it out rather than staying quiet n becoming passive aggressive, then drifting apart n resenting each other. Try to have an intervention with loved ones to let her realize how it's affecting you guys. Addiction is tough to kick n she needs to realize she has a problem before she can fix it. Hopefully that will be enough, otherwise rock bottom may be the only way to fix it. Good luck bro, hope she gets better.

Is that Iryna? The things I'd do :evil:
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