the thread about nothing...

I can see the point for an appointment, I hate waiting too. But if he has too much, I just come back. I try to just go early tho. I switched barbers a year ago and my new barber is better. My last barber was nice but he had an attitude and made some comments about raising his price. I wouldn't have minded the increase, but his approach to it was all wrong. So I switched. Plus his wait times were super ugly if you came at the wrong time. 
Yall tip your barbers? Or is this a discussion for another thread?
I usually do. Just had this discussion last week. I give him a few extra on top of the cut. I hope the barber tipping squad doesn't swarm 
yall know she bougie

Well damb :lol:

$200 dates?

You could straight up buy 2 chicks for that...

*Alonzo Mourning gif

Nope but I would. I dont think theres anything wrong with spending 200$ on a date. You're going to be there enjoying yourself too.
if its like a beyonce concert :lol:

my ideal date is dinner at a vietnamese restaurant, going on a night stroll in town while drinking bubble tea, and a movie/netflix marathon back at home. total expense = ~$12 :lol:

[@="EazyE 804" url="/t/329154/the-thread-about-nothing/285480#post_21544606"]
Going out for walks in mandatory because I always have to walk my food off

Thats cool. Iove woman who enjoy the simple things in life


It seems like the fancier the restaurant, the smaller the portion. I can't **** with that. I likes to eat
this is true

nah, i was just asking because if i ever take you on a date ill be prepared  
no worries, because that will never happen


Target is like the step sister that walmart asked for, but then quickly grew to hate

*Alonzo mourning gif

I gotta make appts at his site too

2014 life...


Just admit you be in the salon bruh

LULZ :wink:

pics of your line up?


I can see the point for an appointment, I hate waiting too. But if he has too much, I just come back. I try to just go early tho. I switched barbers a year ago and my new barber is better. My last barber was nice but he had an attitude and made some comments about raising his price. I wouldn't have minded the increase, but his approach to it was all wrong. So I switched. Plus his wait times were super ugly if you came at the wrong time. 

Anybody else have to respect the topic or poster before reading a wall of text?

sure, i'll send you pics of my edges
What dem edges looking like?


or dis?

****n DEAD :rofl:

PS: I haven't had a cut since 12/20/13

Day before Grams funeral RIP
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