the thread about nothing...


* >>>>>xans

You can't tell because you're ****** up, but you look stupid on that ****.
I like any cereal except shredded wheat and plain cheerios.

Not picky.

Will try a honey bunch/cluster.
boredom = being alone

to me.

im trying to learn to spend time with myself and not feel bored. like a sunday night. im sittiing here mad bored, but im trying to enjoy it.

good thing alcohol exists.
For the last couple years I have been struggling with addiction. I started drinking to much, doing pills and even dabbled with a few harder things. I was in a bad place internally and I eased my pain with drugs. During this time in my life I lost my grandpa completely unexpectedly. That just made my addictions worse. I was a mess staying drunk and or high morning to night until I passed out. I got fat from drinking and that made me even more depressed. I tricked myself into thinking i was fine because i had a good job so what i was doing wasnt bad. Ok you get the picture. I have a wonderful girlfriend that somehow stuck by my side through all of this and she is the reason I had to change. She was going to leave me.
I had to change, so I did. 
I am now 6 months clean, working out and I feel awesome.
Last week i was lying in bed trying to sleep and my mind was wondering and the movie Yes man (yes the Jim Carey movie)popped into my head. I decided to start saying YES more. I'm not taking it as extreme as in the movie but have just decided to start saying yes to more things. I HIGHLY suggest trying this. This weekend was one of the best I have had in years. Went hiking, drove up to Louisville on a whim to go shopping, eat and just enjoy the city, went to a football game and a local festival. The old me would have just sat around all weened and not done jack sheeit. Next weekend if my girlfriend can get off work we are going to go to Chicago for the weekend. I just came up with this idea yesterday but why not? Life is short so have fun and just say YES!

Point is I am the happiest I've ever been and things are only getting better. I'm high on life and it feels great.

The sheer number of these threads is getting ridiculous.

I'm convinced this website is full of thirsty kissless virgins :smh:
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