the thread about nothing...

This is ********, complete ********. Every single time I try to do right I always get ****** over. But when I'm playing the role of the bad guy, they wonder why. I set myself up for this **** and it sucks. I just wanna leave this god damn city, this hell hole is nothing but ******* waste of time. I'm ******* stuck here for four years and I'm going to lost my god damn mind. I can't talk to anyone because I'm stuck in love & this whole situation is ****** up. This feeling sucks and I just want to break down

I've been there bro, n honestly the only advice I can give is to be patient. It may seem like bs but you'll be better for it. Right now is the time to figure yourself out. Everything takes time but your young n as much as you may think you know is actually far less than you do. Restlessness is a natural part of youth so know that it's not just you going through this. I'm pretty sure the older TANers have been in that situation, hell I'm still there. But knowing yours not alone during hard times is actually pretty comforting. Just know we're rooting for you, while you learn that you can't win the game until that clock runs out. Everything will be ok n enjoy your time, you never get it back.

I'm not feeling it today yall. :frown:

We all have those days, just know you're an inspiration to us all. You're strength is contagious. Stay safe.
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On the real though, I'm still sad yall. Life ain't the same. I think I've just been blowing off money to try and make myself feel better by buying material ****. Bought 3 pairs of jays in 2 weeks and thats a lot to me since I've stopped buying shoes. Also ever since that day, I've just stopped giving any damns about my eating habits. I'm pretty sure I'm suffering from depression yall. Thats normal though right? I mean it's not like im supposed to be happy as **** right?
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On the real though, I'm still sad yall. Life ain't the same. I think I've just been blowing off money to try and make myself feel better by buying material ****. Bought 3 pairs of jays in 2 weeks and thats a lot to me since I've stopped buying shoes. Also ever since that day, I've just stopped giving any damns about my eating habits. I'm pretty sure I'm suffering from depression yall. Thats normal though right? I mean it's not like im supposed to be happy as **** right?

Its normal fam

The process is different for everybody

It'll get better eventually...bad days will still come and go, but it'll become less eventually

There's no timetable to it, took me forever to get used to not having my pops around..and im still not used to it but I feel better overall, knowing he wants me to do well still in his memory
On the real though, I'm still sad yall. Life ain't the same. I think I've just been blowing off money to try and make myself feel better by buying material ****. Bought 3 pairs of jays in 2 weeks and thats a lot to me since I've stopped buying shoes. Also ever since that day, I've just stopped giving any damns about my eating habits. I'm pretty sure I'm suffering from depression yall. Thats normal though right? I mean it's not like im supposed to be happy as **** right?
Do you play any sports? Got any hobbies? Try to focus your mind and energy on things you enjoy rather than reflecting on the negatives.
Those are very natural feelings. I was depressed for damn near 6 months after my Grams passed. I got drunk everyday, doing drugs, wouldn't leave my house, keep up with my grooming, or even talk much. I was bad, but then one day I realized, doing that wouldn't make feel better. I had to FIND something, n that's when I started planning my future n began working towards my dreams. It takes time, I'd be lying if I said otherwise, but just know one day it won't hurt as much n you'll realize she can no longer suffer. She's always with you, she's part of you n you're actually a part of her. In a way as long as you're around , she is. Try to stay positive, even though it's going to be damn near impossible. Remember, every new day is another step in the right direction. Learn to enjoy the little things, they're better than most. N by you talking about how it has affected you, you are actually making progress. Stay up fam, it's hard but you're stronger than you think.
On the real though, I'm still sad yall. Life ain't the same. I think I've just been blowing off money to try and make myself feel better by buying material ****. Bought 3 pairs of jays in 2 weeks and thats a lot to me since I've stopped buying shoes. Also ever since that day, I've just stopped giving any damns about my eating habits. I'm pretty sure I'm suffering from depression yall. Thats normal though right? I mean it's not like im supposed to be happy as **** right?

Do you play any sports? Got any hobbies? Try to focus your mind and energy on things you enjoy rather than reflecting on the negatives.
naw I used to play bball stopped about 5/6 months ago. Honestly if I am not At work I stay home and just chill there or go to school. Just haven't been social lately.
This is ********, complete ********. Every single time I try to do right I always get ****** over. But when I'm playing the role of the bad guy, they wonder why. I set myself up for this **** and it sucks. I just wanna leave this god damn city, this hell hole is nothing but ******* waste of time. I'm ******* stuck here for four years and I'm going to lost my god damn mind. I can't talk to anyone because I'm stuck in love & this whole situation is ****** up. This feeling sucks and I just want to break down

What city are you in? And feel better bro try going for a walk or something it helps me out.
Tampa, honestly walking would just break me. I try to stay clear of them.

This is ********, complete ********. Every single time I try to do right I always get ****** over. But when I'm playing the role of the bad guy, they wonder why. I set myself up for this **** and it sucks. I just wanna leave this god damn city, this hell hole is nothing but ******* waste of time. I'm ******* stuck here for four years and I'm going to lost my god damn mind. I can't talk to anyone because I'm stuck in love & this whole situation is ****** up. This feeling sucks and I just want to break down

I've been there bro, n honestly the only advice I can give is to be patient. It may seem like bs but you'll be better for it. Right now is the time to figure yourself out. Everything takes time but your young n as much as you may think you know is actually far less than you do. Restlessness is a natural part of youth so know that it's not just you going through this. I'm pretty sure the older TANers have been in that situation, hell I'm still there. But knowing yours not alone during hard times is actually pretty comforting. Just know we're rooting for you, while you learn that you can't win the game until that clock runs out. Everything will be ok n enjoy your time, you never get it back.
Its just so frustrating fam, three years and it hurts. It really hurts.

Idk if this has been posted yet but ykjfdhikdsj
This is ********, complete ********. Every single time I try to do right I always get ****** over. But when I'm playing the role of the bad guy, they wonder why. I set myself up for this **** and it sucks. I just wanna leave this god damn city, this hell hole is nothing but ******* waste of time. I'm ******* stuck here for four years and I'm going to lost my god damn mind. I can't talk to anyone because I'm stuck in love & this whole situation is ****** up. This feeling sucks and I just want to break down

I've been there bro, n honestly the only advice I can give is to be patient. It may seem like bs but you'll be better for it. Right now is the time to figure yourself out. Everything takes time but your young n as much as you may think you know is actually far less than you do. Restlessness is a natural part of youth so know that it's not just you going through this. I'm pretty sure the older TANers have been in that situation, hell I'm still there. But knowing yours not alone during hard times is actually pretty comforting. Just know we're rooting for you, while you learn that you can't win the game until that clock runs out. Everything will be ok n enjoy your time, you never get it back.
Its just so frustrating fam, three years and it hurts. It really hurts.
It gets that way some times, but you just gotta grind through it. It's not a glamorized part about becoming a man, but it can be the defining characteristic of a strong one. You're still young bruh, that's the thing, you're here trying to jump head first, rather than just enjoying it (I am not talking about your relationship btw). If you're trying to do right, do it. If no one cares, or acknowledges it, so what, **** them. They don't deserve to bless themselves with your presence. So let them regret that decision. Besides, if your doing good deeds, or being the good guy, for the glory, you're in it for the wrong reason. There's a reason the saying goes: "Nice guys finish last" It's true, but what they don't tell you is that nice guys don't give a **** about petty **** like that. All you gotta do is be the best person you want to be n leave humanity in better position than you received it. Kill them with kindness, kuz success is the best way to get even.
This is ********, complete ********. Every single time I try to do right I always get ****** over. But when I'm playing the role of the bad guy, they wonder why. I set myself up for this **** and it sucks. I just wanna leave this god damn city, this hell hole is nothing but ******* waste of time. I'm ******* stuck here for four years and I'm going to lost my god damn mind. I can't talk to anyone because I'm stuck in love

I've been there bro, n honestly the only advice I can give is to be patient. It may seem like bs but you'll be better for it. Right now is the time to figure yourself out. Everything takes time but your young n as much as you may think you know is actually far less than you do. Restlessness is a natural part of youth so know that it's not just you going through this. I'm pretty sure the older TANers have been in that situation, hell I'm still there. But knowing yours not alone during hard times is actually pretty comforting. Just know we're rooting for you, while you learn that you can't win the game until that clock runs out. Everything will be ok n enjoy your time, you never get it back.
Its just so frustrating fam, three years and it hurts. It really hurts.

It gets that way some times, but you just gotta grind through it. It's not a glamorized part about becoming a man, but it can be the defining characteristic of a strong one. You're still young bruh, that's the thing, you're here trying to jump head first, rather than just enjoying it (I am not talking about your relationship btw). If you're trying to do right, do it. If no one cares, or acknowledges it, so what, **** them. They don't deserve to bless themselves with your presence. So let them regret that decision. Besides, if your doing good deeds, or being the good guy, for the glory, you're in it for the wrong reason. There's a reason the saying goes: "Nice guys finish last" It's true, but what they don't tell you is that nice guys don't give a **** about petty **** like that. All you gotta do is be the best person you want to be n leave humanity in better position than you received it. Kill them with kindness, kuz success is the best way to get even.
I've got a plan, I'm working hard and I'm going to school spring 2k15. Yeah I wasn't able to go back to NYC right now for school, but I still have my college path set. I know what I want to do in life, its just hard because I envisioned it me spending it with her. I know this is some "young man post" ****, but I'm tired of playing around with all these yambs when I want something solid. I'm buying my own car for the first time in a few days, hopefully that'll get my mind off things. Work actually helps me clear my mind too so that's a plus.
do you guys ever get that sad feeling whenever you see a co-worker move on to a new job? :\

having me feel some type of way
[thread="329154"]The Thread About Nothing/285210#post_21535399​[/thread]
This is ********, complete ********. Every single time I try to do right I always get ****** over. But when I'm playing the role of the bad guy, they wonder why. I set myself up for this **** and it sucks. I just wanna leave this god damn city, this hell hole is nothing but ******* waste of time. I'm ******* stuck here for four years and I'm going to lost my god damn mind. I can't talk to anyone because I'm stuck in love

I've been there bro, n honestly the only advice I can give is to be patient. It may seem like bs but you'll be better for it. Right now is the time to figure yourself out. Everything takes time but your young n as much as you may think you know is actually far less than you do. Restlessness is a natural part of youth so know that it's not just you going through this. I'm pretty sure the older TANers have been in that situation, hell I'm still there. But knowing yours not alone during hard times is actually pretty comforting. Just know we're rooting for you, while you learn that you can't win the game until that clock runs out. Everything will be ok n enjoy your time, you never get it back.
Its just so frustrating fam, three years and it hurts. It really hurts.
It gets that way some times, but you just gotta grind through it. It's not a glamorized part about becoming a man, but it can be the defining characteristic of a strong one. You're still young bruh, that's the thing, you're here trying to jump head first, rather than just enjoying it (I am not talking about your relationship btw). If you're trying to do right, do it. If no one cares, or acknowledges it, so what, **** them. They don't deserve to bless themselves with your presence. So let them regret that decision. Besides, if your doing good deeds, or being the good guy, for the glory, you're in it for the wrong reason. There's a reason the saying goes: "Nice guys finish last" It's true, but what they don't tell you is that nice guys don't give a **** about petty **** like that. All you gotta do is be the best person you want to be n leave humanity in better position than you received it. Kill them with kindness, kuz success is the best way to get even.
I've got a plan, I'm working hard and I'm going to school spring 2k15. Yeah I wasn't able to go back to NYC right now for school, but I still have my college path set. I know what I want to do in life, its just hard because I envisioned it me spending it with her. I know this is some "young man post" ****, but I'm tired of playing around with all these yambs when I want something solid. I'm buying my own car for the first time in a few days, hopefully that'll get my mind off things. Work actually helps me clear my mind too so that's a plus.
That's great news, congrats. You've got a plan, only thing now is to keep improving. You're at a better point than most people I know that are older than you. As long as you don't **** up with the law or in school, you're golden. Keep it up bruh. Coming up with a plan is hard enough as it is, but making sure you follow through is harder. Just stay humble n respectful, n you'll go far. Good luck, n also understand it WILL get hard, but it's important to not give up n to vent. Keeping all that in is bad for you. You got this man 
Today was great,

put in some cardio work trying to catch a bus lmaoooo, and i didn't catch it

TMNT was a pretty chill movie

Got back with this one chick
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