The South Unappreciation

Originally Posted by N O R E A G A

You dudes ought to be ashamed of yourself. How dare yall talk about another region that youve never been to. How you gonna talk smack and just going off stereotypes. This is why i say these types of threads should be banned from NT.

didn't u say u werent coming back
it's that serious huh??
Desperate times call for desperate measures

Taken from "The Official North vs. South Thread"

Just because

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

By sarad

I can appreciate that the North has its good points- like Rap artists and... ummm... Rap artists.

In no particular order:
[h3]The Accent[/h3]It's not cute. It makes one sound stupid and invokes thoughts of all the things on this list.

[h3]Sweet Tea[/h3]It's not the nectar of the gods- it's tea with far too much sugar in it.

[h3]Nascar[/h3]Sure it's watched elsewhere. But the South takes it to a new level. I just don't get it. They're driving in circles. Sure they're going fast, but they're driving in circles.

[h3]Racism[/h3]Still completely acceptable in the South. I know people will fight me on this but the quantity of people still flying the confederate flag is terrifying
[h3]Mississippi[/h3]It's just so horrible on so many levels.

[h3]Grits[/h3]Can't I just get a waffle or some eggs without that sandy mush spilling all over my plate? And much like boiled peanuts and sweet tea, it's defended to the death as fine dining.

[h3]Pickup Trucks[/h3]They're everywhere. What is everyone transporting?

[h3]The Bumper Stickers[/h3]
Generally found on a pickup. My favorites are:

1. 8 (a Nascar reference of some sort)
2. The confederate flag with the words "fighting terror since 1863"
3. W
4. Calvin peeing on the Ford symbol or Chevy symbol
5. Git-r-done
[h3]Fake Nice[/h3]You know it as "southern hospitality" but southern hospitality doesn't exist. Everyone is just being sickly sweet to your face- the minute you leave they are talking about you, stealing your parking space, not letting you into traffic, cutting in line- you get the idea.

Originally Posted by COOLnificent

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

By sarad

I can appreciate that the South has its good points- like college football and... ummm... college football.

In no particular order:
[h3]The Accent[/h3]"Yo son" That stuff gets tired real quick especially if you're not in NY anymore

[h3]Sweet Tea Coffee[/h3]It's not the nectar of the gods- it's a latte' that is over priced

[h3]Nascar Basketball[/h3]Basketball is my favorite sport so I'm not going to knock it. But just because your homie played 6th man at the Rucker doesn't mean he should be All NBA 1st Team
[h3]Racism[/h3]You act like it doesn't exist but is prominate up there. Must I bring up Do The Right Thing
[h3]Mississippi New York[/h3]It's just so horrible on so many levels. Even though it is GREAT on so many levels but what about the rest of Northern USA. Did PA, Maine, Rhode Island, Conn., and Jersey just disappear

[h3]Grits Philly Cheese Steaks[/h3]I'm not trying to eat a grease sandwhich every day for lunch [h3]Pickup Trucks Public Transit

Sitting across from a masturbating crackhead is not what's up
[h3]The Bumper Stickers Hype Beasts[/h3]
Generally found on your local corner. My favorites are:

1. The skinny jeans with the 3XL POLO
2. The outlandish colors such as pink and yellow on dudes
3. Bootleg sneakers yes they do exist in NY not just the South
4. The cockiness and arrogance like you don't look like a flamingo
5. "DIPSET!!!"
[h3]Fake Nice Rudeness[/h3]The lack of manners, at least in the South they "pretend" to be nice

The South can NEVER be unappreciated
Originally Posted by COOLnificent

Desperate times call for desperate measures

Taken from "The Official North vs. South Thread"

Just because

Originally Posted by COOLnificent

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

[h3]The Bumper Stickers Hype Beasts[/h3]
Generally found on your local corner. My favorites are:

1. The skinny jeans with the 3XL POLO
2. The outlandish colors such as pink and yellow on dudes
3. Bootleg sneakers yes they do exist in NY not just the South
4. The cockiness and arrogance like you don't look like a flamingo
5. "DIPSET!!!"
[h3]Fake Nice Rudeness[/h3]The lack of manners, at least in the South they "pretend" to be nice

yeah but ya gonna dress like that 5 years after AND KEEP IT we done wit it anywayz so......

Sounds like someone went to the South Bronx and judged all of NY based on that.

Who judges a region based on what kind of rap music originates from there???
Who cares?

And the funniest part of all- yellow is an "outlandish" color when a man wears it. Well done.
Florida is the only state in the south I mess with

south FL >>> the south

^and there is nothing wrong with The South Bronx
gettin mad over nothin...

regardless of where you go theres gonna be lames, but theres chill dudes and fine ladies from both regions, just leave it at that.
Originally Posted by corporateJP

Glad I'm in the Midwest.

Best of Both Worlds.

yea right.
Mid Atlantic FTW
I must say I bang with southerners more then northerners tho
Some of the ignorance in here is mind blowing. Dudes hating on places they've never been to or have only been to a few weeks (with the exception of a few).I've lived all over the country and all regions have their pros and cons. The bottom line is to YOU there is simply NO PLACE LIKE HOME, word to 227.You're going to defend where you're from because you're supposed to be proud of your city/state/region, but to knock another man's home isWEAK. Do you. Enjoy it, smash what you can, grab a bite to eat, culture yourself. That's my two cents.
BTW I'm a proud Texan.
Originally Posted by eight2one

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Originally Posted by eight2one

Trelvis Tha Thrilla wrote:

Originally Posted by eight2one

lol who cares about the space program??? Lets try accomplishing something on planet earth first.

Shall I continue??? or do you want to continue to be ignorant?,_FL#cite_note-GAWC-6

like i actually read that garbage.........let the blissful ignorance continue.
And my point has been proven

please tell me what NASA has done for you or Houston....
Well, alot of the stuff you use today was developed by NASA. You discredited it, then wouldn't read the rest of the stuff I posted about thesouth, so you prove my point. You know nothing about what goes on down here. You are just an ignorant, close minded, indvidual who relies on sterotypes to baseyour thoughts.
Cost of living in the South =

College Education variety in the South=

Southern Cooking =

Grass and Trees =

The major thing that I see you patriots bringing up is that -%%! doesnt' exist north of the Kentucky borderline
. Just admit that these ignorant, pickup truck, rebel flag waving good ole boyshave you too shook to leave your city to come down and enjoy what the South has to offer.
I've been in the South all of my life, but no way am I going to pretend that I didn't love DMV, NYC, LA, MI, and the other great places that I'vebeen blessed frequent because of horrible music and a few false generalizations.
Originally Posted by MILLION DOLLAR STACKS

> ________________

including LA, and Big Terrible Texas
sure...if you wanna rank highest rate of black unemployment and overall rampant rednecks and bigots
Originally Posted by Ripfan8I6

I can't stand even thinking about the south. A bunch of wack #%! %@*#*% doing lame dances an listenin' to lame (for the most part) rappers.

South = Garbage

and that's the truth

and btw this is'nt a knock at any southern NT'ers
you obviously wanted some attention to post something so stupid. attention granted. is the RIP in your name a prediction of your near future ifyou keep hating on the south? just asking.

lames aren't really hating on the music, they're hating on the money
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