The QUESTION Jay-Z thread

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A dude obsessed with Jay and penises probably did his family a favor by taking a break to fix himself, as long as that's what he's doing and it should have been communicated in a way they understand. Like "this illness plus my overwhelming Hov penis visions don't put me at a good place to take care of y'all right now, I need time".

im sorry but :lol: at us seriously discussing his "hov penis visions"

OP please come back and explain some correlations
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Must be nice to live in Venice. Son living the life in Cali.
I have been on NT since around 2003, so I understood the backlash I would get for posting something like this on NT.

I will to answer a few questions.

I am not gay.

I really don't spend much time on this. I am homeless and I don't have a job. I am a writer, and I am writing a book about surviving stage IV metasticized cancer. When I am not writing, I listen to music.

In my writing I talk about how my brain was literally reset. I have a psychology degree, and I understand that psychosomatic symptoms in the mind manifest into physical symptoms in the body. I cured my cancer by curing my mind. Long story short I took an entheogen that induced an amazing meditation that unearthed a suppressed memory of trauma. That trauma influenced my behavior. It caused me to live my life through fear, as an introvert. In order for me to cure my cancer, I had to reveal my truth, which was that I cheated on the woman I loved the most... and every other lie I have ever told in my life. And guess what? I did it. The cortisol rush in my brain was better than a million orgasms.

I was cured. Just by telling the truth.

Back to my point. That moment reset my mind. I can now view things objectively. I was gifted as a child. I took the WAIS IV as an adult, and I scored really high. After my mind was broken, it repaired stronger. It was like my mind went to the gym. Break and rebuild.

We all know Jay Z is famous for his double and triple entendre. I can now see and hear all of those at the same time. I will say, it is much more than 3 entendre. He really is a genius.

With all of that being said, he just released the video for the song 4:44. It is a confession. He admits he was a sambo.

Am I on to something?
I have been on NT since around 2003, so I understood the backlash I would get for posting something like this on NT.

I will to answer a few questions.

I am not gay.

I really don't spend much time on this. I am homeless and I don't have a job. I am a writer, and I am writing a book about surviving stage IV metasticized cancer. When I am not writing, I listen to music.

In my writing I talk about how my brain was literally reset. I have a psychology degree, and I understand that psychosomatic symptoms in the mind manifest into physical symptoms in the body. I cured my cancer by curing my mind. Long story short I took an entheogen that induced an amazing meditation that unearthed a suppressed memory of trauma. That trauma influenced my behavior. It caused me to live my life through fear, as an introvert. In order for me to cure my cancer, I had to reveal my truth, which was that I cheated on the woman I loved the most... and every other lie I have ever told in my life. And guess what? I did it. The cortisol rush in my brain was better than a million orgasms.

I was cured. Just by telling the truth.

Back to my point. That moment reset my mind. I can now view things objectively. I was gifted as a child. I took the WAIS IV as an adult, and I scored really high. After my mind was broken, it repaired stronger. It was like my mind went to the gym. Break and rebuild.

We all know Jay Z is famous for his double and triple entendre. I can now see and hear all of those at the same time. I will say, it is much more than 3 entendre. He really is a genius.

With all of that being said, he just released the video for the song 4:44. It is a confession. He admits he was a sambo.

Am I on to something?

View media item 2486591
I have been on NT since around 2003, so I understood the backlash I would get for posting something like this on NT.

I will to answer a few questions.

I am not gay.

I really don't spend much time on this. I am homeless and I don't have a job. I am a writer, and I am writing a book about surviving stage IV metasticized cancer. When I am not writing, I listen to music.

In my writing I talk about how my brain was literally reset. I have a psychology degree, and I understand that psychosomatic symptoms in the mind manifest into physical symptoms in the body. I cured my cancer by curing my mind. Long story short I took an entheogen that induced an amazing meditation that unearthed a suppressed memory of trauma. That trauma influenced my behavior. It caused me to live my life through fear, as an introvert. In order for me to cure my cancer, I had to reveal my truth, which was that I cheated on the woman I loved the most... and every other lie I have ever told in my life. And guess what? I did it. The cortisol rush in my brain was better than a million orgasms.

I was cured. Just by telling the truth.

Back to my point. That moment reset my mind. I can now view things objectively. I was gifted as a child. I took the WAIS IV as an adult, and I scored really high. After my mind was broken, it repaired stronger. It was like my mind went to the gym. Break and rebuild.

We all know Jay Z is famous for his double and triple entendre. I can now see and hear all of those at the same time. I will say, it is much more than 3 entendre. He really is a genius.

With all of that being said, he just released the video for the song 4:44. It is a confession. He admits he was a sambo.

Am I on to something?
Yeah Jay a genius now explain why ya mind sees penuises in everything he do? Where the answers sway?

And most importantly, i need a better reason for why kids you love aren't by your side in this journey? How can you call yourself a father if you left your children to pursue goals that don't include them. You could become a billionaire and have all the success in the world tomorrow, and none of that matters if yours kids and those who loved you feel abandon.

I don't believe in bettering yourself when children are involved. You are suppose to live for them. Time, energy, knowledge, presence is all for them. You forfeited that privilege once they was born. Go home, roger.
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Son sounds like he went through an ego death from psychedelics I hope you find what is on your mind bro
this thread abt to take a left turn this man got kids now lol we shoulda just sent him to stormfront or n*****mania or something to troll.

i stumbled upon the second site last night looking up some stuff on the shakurs...there are some wild dudes on the net :lol:

I was lookin thru this thread again... Yo that 2nd site is for real? Wtf?
Son getting good D in Cali. Anytime someone randomly moves across the country while leaving their kids back at home red flags should be waved. Son out in Cali being who he really wants to be without folk back at home knowing about his lifestyle.Got his mind thinking about penises all day. Do you playa. We won't judge you.
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Son getting good D in Cali. Anytime someone randomly moves across the country while leaving their kids back at home red flags should be waved. Son out in Cali being who he really wants to be without folk back at home knowingness about his lifestyle.Got his mind thinking about penises all day. Do you playa. We won't judge you.

This theory might not be far from the truth. Homie in Cali letting loose, getting high, thinking about wee wees all day. 

Cowabunga dude.
I was lookin thru this thread again... Yo that 2nd site is for real? Wtf?
My exact reaction 

Like such random and unadulterated hatred. On a woman that isn't even aware of their existence. Prolly in Cuba w/ Pac smoking a fat one not giving a damb about **** lol.
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Son getting good D in Cali. Anytime someone randomly moves across the country while leaving their kids back at home red flags should be waved. Son out in Cali being who he really wants to be without folk back at home knowing about his lifestyle.Got his mind thinking about penises all day. Do you playa. We won't judge you.

just gonna throw in a "we won't judge you" at the end to soften the blow (pause). 

but mans being judged left and right and from this same exact response lmaoo
I can take all of the criticism. It is cool.

In reference to my children:

My son is 19, and my daughter is about to be 12. I had my son when I was 16 years old.

I raised both of them. While their mothers played and play a major role, I was equally important to their upbringing. My son is a man, so he has to stand tall and become a man.

In reference to my daughter: She is extremely mature. She is gifted. She is about to be 12, but she has a much more mature mind. She understood what was next for me, and she understood the choice I had to make. In November, my cancer metasticized. What does that mean? Long story short it means that my cancer spread from it's original source and into my bloodstream. That means that it could now manifest anywhere.

When that happened, I had a choice to make.

Either stay in Pennsylvania and do chemotherapy and immunotherapy until I died(I was given a year to live).


Move to California and try medical marijuana.

Now... medical marijuana is illegal in PA, so I couldn't do it there if I wanted to. What does chemotherapy and immunotherapy do? It kills your immune system. So people don't even die from cancer. They die from a cold or the flu. Why? Because they have no immune system. After doing my research, I was totally against that option.

Now in California, medical marijuana is legal. I went on the Rick Simpson regimen. And let me tell you, it WORKS. What it does is induce meditation. It removes the MAOI inhibiter in the stomach, which grants access to the pineal gland. It literally activates the divine within. Google the word "entheogen." That is what I have.

Long story short, the entheogen helped me unearthed a suppressed memory of trauma, that caused me to be an introvert that lived my life through fear. Mind over matter is real. I went from being an atheist to believing in GOD. These induced visions told me how to correct my cancer. All I had to do was tell the truth.

Cancer is a game of energy. What happened throughout my life was, I literally held in all of my lies. I was devoting energy to holding in those lies. It was causing me stress, anxiety, and was the source of my depression. As soon as I expressed myself by telling all of my lies, I no longer had to devote energy to holding those lies. It was that "simple," even though telling the truth about every lie that I have ever told was the hardest thing that I have ever done.

Now since I have done that, my world has changed. I have no fear. I was on the low end of the introversion spectrum before that confession. Now I am more of an extrovert.

In regards to my physical health... I am HEALING. If I would have stayed in PA and went with the standard treatment, my kids wouldn't have a father. I would have been dead by now, because my immune system would have been destroyed. Instead, I am eating well. Even though I sleep in a van, I sleep good. When I trusted BIG PHARMA and had chemotherapy the first time, I couldn't eat or sleep. Way back when, I played college basketball. Yesterday, I played basketball on Venice Beach with PRO level talent. I didn't just play either. I played WELL. Do you think I would have been able to walk, let alone play a sport while on chemotherapy? Absolutely not.

So I say all of that to to say this. If your LIFE was on the line, what would YOU do? Would you leave your daughter for a relatively short period of time, so you can be her father for a LONG time? Or should I have stayed in PA and died from the treatment I would have been administered? It was a no brainer for me.

Here is where serendipity comes into play too. This has been GREAT for my daughter. While she misses me, this has caused her to become stronger. While we talk everyday, she isn't overly dependent on me like she used to be. She appreciates me more. Would I rather have a two way conversation with her over the phone, or would I rather have a one way conversation with her in the form of her talking to me while I am in the grave? It was an easy choice.

And here is the thing: Being without her is temporary. I am making moves to bring my family here. I have only been gone since March. In the grand scheme of things, that isn't too much time. I have assessed this community and compared it to where I lived before. LA is much more progressive, and it also has a culture of wellness that is beneficial to myself and my family. I am out here setting things up for her. My book is almost done. I have a documentary being done by a gentleman who has a Netflix series. He is eventually going to have my story there, as well as on other media outlets. The table being set for my daughter.

So with all of that being said... am I a bad father for going an alternative route to save my life? I'm not playing checkers here. Will the relatively short time away from my family be beneficial for my family in the long run?

NT knows... so I will let you guys decide...
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In reference to Jay Z... think about this:

He has a video for "The Story of O.J." and "4:44" that are very telling. Now like I mention before, I believe that Jay Z really is a genius, who can say 13 different things at the same time. For both video's, he gives a perspective away.

Now for the song "The Story of O.J." the OJ could mean multiple things. Of course it could reference OJ Simpson... but that is too easy for Jay Z. Now, here why Jay Z is great: You can change the meaning of OJ too Obama Jr. (Barack Obama is a junior) and rap the entire song from his POV, and it fits. The first line he says... "I'm not black I'm OJ..." That is a reference to Barack Obama stating that he isn't just the president of Black America... but that he (Obama Jr. = O.J.) is everyone's president. House ***** = White House. The chorus is stating that it does not matter his position, that he is still a *****. You can rap the entire song as BO, and that theme fits. But the video? He gives it away. Take the abbreviation for O.J., and make it stand for "Orthodox Jew." You can rap the entire song as Jay Z speaking as a Jewish man, and that theory fits. The chorus states that it doesn't matter your position... you are still a *****. He talks about how Jews flip their money buying artwork. He talks about how Jews value credit. The video GIVES ALL OF THIS AWAY. The video portrays the black man as the "j****" boo.

Now, transition to the video for 4:44. Jay Z himself becomes the j****boo. The video shows clips of negative aspects of our culture. Jay is constantly apologizing. It shows the two slaves mirroring himself and Beyonce. He basically admits that this was all an act. From 3:22 to 3:33 he gives it away. He wants to rap from his heart, but instead he comes out of his shirt and displays the ROC sign. He basically told us he sold out. The whole video is a confession. But why? At the end, their is old footage of his daughter Blue. Now... she puts her hands in a glass window. Immediately after, she puts her hand on the floor. That is the "Blueprint." Jay Z is saying that him selling out was the Blueprint to something else. I have an idea about what that is, but I will wait on him for that. For now, the two videos of the two songs clearly outline the points he is trying to get across. My theory still fits in each of those songs too by the way. You really can extract 13 different meanings from each song. So even though Jay Z told us he was a sellout, he is definitely still a genius that has something bigger planned.
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Cliffs on what he just posted?

His options were trees or chemo. He moved to California for trees because he feels he would've died in PA doing chemo. Instead of copping black market trees, he came to California for medical trees. He thinks he's helping his daughter grow up by not being there. His son is a 19 year old man and doesn't need him, according to OP. The rest is nonsense about Jay-Z with whom OP is obsessed.
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