The Oscars: 2024's 96th Academy Awards, 7:00pm March 10th ABC

It's seems clear to me this is Will reacting to 12 months of mocking and ridicule by the public

Over various Jada related embarrassments,

And decided to slap Chris Rock on stage at the Oscars instead of talking to his therapist

Or seeing Chris back stage about it.

Bingo. This was the culmination of all the jokes and memes over the last 5 years or so. You can tell by the emotion on Will's face that all that pain has been pent up for a good minute and he finally reached his breaking point. All it took was 1 more joke about him or Jada to send him over the edge.

They say Chris was unaware of Jada's condition. The joke was really light and I don't believe comedians should be chastised for jokes unless its with mal-intent. I also believe that everyone has a right to be offended at something that effects them and apparently this is a very sensitive subject for Jada & Will, so I dont blame him for feeling a way about it, but I def dont like how he handled it, tho. Your'e a grown *** man, manage your emotions. Wait til your'e backstage or after the show to confront Chris about it. Whether you think Chris deserved to get slapped or not, it def shouldn't have been in the middle of the stage on live tv.

And I dont like putting blame on the woman, but lets be real, all this wouldn't have happened if Jada wasn't so sloppy with her sidepieces :smh:
The perfect way for this all to end.

Is for Jada to get on Red Table Talk. And give will a lecture

On how disapointed and embarrassed she was by Will's actions.
She quite clearly was not disappointed however. She was beaming during his speech.

We finally achieved political consensthen?
WLK achieved what MLK nor DLK could.
I'm curious to hear this week of podcast and social media conversations from the comedian world. There was always an unwritten rule that if you go to a comedy show and the comedian roasts you, you gotta sit back and laugh or shut up and take it. Now that a mega celebrity publicly slapped a comedian for making fun of his wife, that boundary between comedian and audience has been broken.

Someone hip me to this "medical condition" thing... I'm under the impression Jada simply has hair loss (alopecia), like millions and millions of others. I recognize that can be VERY emotional and difficult to get through (for some), especially as a woman, but that aint no medical condition.

"alopecia" is a general term for hair loss but all of the underlying causes using it are medical. can be an autoimmune problem where your body attacks your own hair follicles, could be from some kind of infection, could be a hormone issue. the medical name for male-pattern baldness is "androgenic alopecia"

this mess bringing all kind of loudmouths out of the woodwork on the twitters with some dumbass opinion.

here's some good news today: a dog was stuck in the LA river after it rained this morning and 2 hours later firefighters got it out had me on the edge of my seat :lol:
I get you been pushing this narrative for a while but I’m not buying this narrative that he isn’t touching white ppl at the Oscars.
Which is why I said let's agree to disagree. Y'all dudes love to argue lol. I got my stance, you got yours. Let's move on fam

I wouldn't call her sick but she definitely has a medical condition.

Like a lazy eye.

Doesn't mean you're sick but you don't want your significant other clowned about it.
I’ve heard of a lazy eye before but that left one is collecting unemployment. Oh that was roast it’s allowed there lol
Considering Will Smith never apologized to him, I don't see why he'd be expected to at this time.

I think it's reasonable to say the person who committed the more egregious offense should be expected to apologize first. Whether Chris Rock accepts that apology or not is a different story.
Honestly I don't think either needs to apologize. Everyone knows it'd be fake. I just find it weird that people are demanding Will apologize but not Rock. If Will owes one to Rock, Rock owes one to Jada.
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