The Old PlayStation Thread | *NEW THREAD IS UP*

Yeah no GT unless you are into online racing.

I never could get into online racing cause it is hard to take seriously. Just too many trolls and it ruins the experience IMO.

Yeah no GT unless you are into online racing.

I never could get into online racing cause it is hard to take seriously. Just too many trolls and it ruins the experience IMO.

Trolls are filtered out since you get a rating for clean driving, then it pairs you with similar drivers.

GTS has been labelled as the best online SIM, even better than iRacing in terms of the online experience so if you like racing online in a SIM racing game then go for it.
Had no idea that GT is online racing. What a bummer. So it's nothing like the older versions of the game?

Trolls are filtered out since you get a rating for clean driving, then it pairs you with similar drivers.

GTS has been labelled as the best online SIM, even better than iRacing in terms of the online experience so if you like racing online in a SIM racing game then go for it.

Can someone who played the Dissida beta shed some light?

And my bad for misspeaking on GT
I expect to receive my percentage of the ad revenue shortly.

No worries. I'll write out and mail both yours and stay lurkin stay lurkin checks by the end of today. :nthat:

Just to check and make sure I'm getting you all of your revenue to dodge a potential Bad Boy/Puff Daddy/Puffy/Diddy/Sean Combs situation;

Whats 33.3% of 0? :rofl:

I got a number but just want to make sure I don't short you guys.
Can someone who played the Dissida beta shed some light?
It was trash but worth but worth buying since it stems from the greatest gaming series EVER!

Nah seriously tho, I didn't like it. I felt like I had no real control over the combos I was doing and even then I won every match. It was entirely too easy. Similiar to the "easy" mode UMvC3 had on Vita where you would basically just button mash to pull off combos :lol:
Just to check and make sure I'm getting you all of your revenue to dodge a potential Bad Boy/Puff Daddy/Puffy/Diddy/Sean Combs situation

You forgot "P. Diddy" which is separate from just "Diddy". Also heard in the barbershop today that he's planning on changing his name again :lol:
You forgot "P. Diddy" which is separate from just "Diddy". Also heard in the barbershop today that he's planning on changing his name again :lol:

Dammit how did I miss that?!?

And yeah, he wants to be called Brother Love. Somebody gotta tell him he can only choose his nickname 4xs and each of those need to be before the age of 45.
Trolls are filtered out since you get a rating for clean driving, then it pairs you with similar drivers.

This isn't always true. I've encountered plenty of drivers that just wiped me out or pushed me off the track in order to get past me, and somehow I was the one that got hit with 10 second penalties :lol: Another infuriating thing is drivers that don't brake on time and end up crashing in front of me on a narrow track; there's literally no way I can avoid ramming into them while going 160, and I still get hit with penalties and lower SR ratings. I know it's not just me, because there are tons of videos on Youtube that show the same thing happening.

I really liked the idea of GT Sport, but the execution isn't there, even aside from the penalty system:

-Buying/collecting cars is useless now; the daily races either force you to use a car that they pick for you or a GR3/GR4 race car that you win right in the beginning of the game

-Tuning your car is useless now, since every race has Balance of Performance enabled. The fun part of the older Gran Turismos was entering races you could barely compete in and finding configurations and upgrades that helped you win

-Races take FOREVER to get into. I'm not 12 years old with hours to spend on video games; I come home from work and want to play an hour or so, but 75% of that involves qualifying or waiting for an event to let you apply for entry. It's either that or join a lobby with 3 or 4 people on a track running an infinite number of laps or driving backwards
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External question. Can I bring my external with all my gamezzz to another PS4 and just plug and play there with my PSN?
It was trash but worth but worth buying since it stems from the greatest gaming series EVER!

Nah seriously tho, I didn't like it. I felt like I had no real control over the combos I was doing and even then I won every match. It was entirely too easy. Similiar to the "easy" mode UMvC3 had on Vita where you would basically just button mash to pull off combos :lol:

From what I watched off the first beta, it paired you with lower ranked guys to start off with and the fact that it's 3v3 means on the lower ranked matches you can be carried by your team, so you could win without knowing what was happening.

Dissidia also has never been about combos. Only Duodecim had combos with the assists but it was really limited. I guess you can combo in this one too if you and another teammate gang up on someone but the game has always been more about strategy. Picking the right bravery, ex and HP attacks and the right summon.

I didn't play the beta but i watched the livestream for the video above and it was good. Same core mechanics as the PSP games but the 3v3 changes the dynamics of it.
Hopefully they have a 1v1 and 2v2 mode for the people who played the older games but I'm sure they want that E-sports money which is why they went 3v3 as the base.
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