The Old PlayStation Thread | *NEW THREAD IS UP*

Speak on it.

Comparisons etc.

Is it worth it?

I can go get one but I need more info :lol:

To preface, my impressions with the PS4 are on a 4K television with HDR. With Rise of the Tomb Raider, it looks absolutely gorgeous in 4K. The image is crisp and the faces, textures and environments are really well done. When you first walk in to the Prophet's Tomb, I couldn't help but to just look around and take in what I was seeing. While the quality of the 4K resolution is excellent, it does run in 30fps and for that reason, my preference is to play in the 1080p/60fps mode. This mode is what blew me away initially as I loved the smoothness of the gameplay. I didn't experience any hitches or noticeable drops in frame rate either; the game seemed to run at 60fps pretty consistently. The first two sequences of RotTR offer plenty of opportunity to showcase the 60fps and playing that alone made me comfortable with what the Pro is capable of. As comparison, I played RotTR on Xbox One when it launched and I thought the game looked great at that time. However, playing it on the Pro allows the game to truly shine. In my opinion, playing RotTR on the Pro is the definitive experience. And one more thing to add, I like that the developer offers three different modes to play on giving us a choice of what we're wanting in terms of higher resolution or higher frame rate.

Moving on to Battlefield 1, all I can say is you'll have to play it for yourself. I played it on the Xbox One S and it suffered from frame rate drops in multiplayer. To be fair, the PS4 version suffers from frame rate drops as well as neither of those versions are able to stay locked in at 60fps. My entire BF1 experience has solely been in multiplayer thus far. The game truly looks amazing in 4K and I didn't notice any type of frame rate drops either. Digital Foundry did an analysis and I believe they point out some things that hold it back from being exactly on par with the PC version in 4K, but honestly, when you're in the middle of playing Conquest or Operations and the game is running at a smooth 60fps, you don't really care for those truly minor things. From what I can see, there's just more detail in the environments which add to the depth and immersion of the game. Once again, I'd have to say that BF1 on the Pro is the definitive experience. This game was great as it was on Xbox One S for me, but playing it on the Pro brought it to another level.

With NBA 2K17, I'll say that the biggest difference I can see is with the crispness of the graphics and less jagged edges. I played this on the Xbox One S with HDR and was blown away, but seeing it in 4K really did make a difference for me. Everything just looks sharper and the main word I gravitate towards to when describing seeing these games in 4K is crisp. I believe this is one of the few titles that runs in 4K/60fps and it holds up with no hitches. To be honest, I play a ton of games and this year's 2K just didn't do enough to make me want to run it often, but after playing it on the Pro, I'm ready to start up the MyGM mode and play through some seasons.

As far whether or any of this is worth it is truly dependent on the consumer and what is available to you. While there is an overall increase in resolution and performance for 1080p users, I just don't know if it's worth it without a 4K television set. I'd be fine with just the base PS4 until the Pro drops in price or maybe when Horizon: Zero Dawn drops. But if you have disposable income or can trade in your old PS4 and get a good deal on the Pro, then sure, go for it. And if you have a 4K tv, spend enough time gaming and visit forums to read through paragraphs like I just wrote, then yeah, you'll want to pick up the Pro. Overall, I've been impressed with my experience. I bought a 4K tv because of the Pro and nothing has made me regret the purchase and if anything, it made my decision to jump to 4K worth it. The games I've played all look stunning and all of them run smoothly with no problems. I still need to try out The Last of Us, Skyrim and Uncharted 4 as well. I'm excited to see games such as FFXV and Horizon: Zero Dawn on this system and whatever else Sony has for it in the future.
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Final Fantasy XV Aiming for 1080p/60 FPS and 4K/30 FPS Modes on PS4 Pro

View media item 2226029
During the latest Active Time Report broadcast, Final Fantasy XV Director Hajime Tabata provided more information on the performance of the game on PS4 Pro.

We learn that the developer is aiming to have at least two modes: one will target 1080p and 60 frames per second. The second will target 4K (upscaled) resolution and 30 FPS.

The current build runs between 40 and 50 FPS in 1080p most of the time, but the team plans to update it with improved performance.

Final Fantasy XV will release on November 29th, just 19 short days away. And I can feel it in my bones already.

:pimp: :pimp: :pimp:

High framerate version or 4k 30fps or 4k Supersampled to 1080p for the best image.
Best news today. Locked 30fps with supersampling is probably what I'm going to use.

Looks like they will keep on patching it to take advantage of the pro too from the livestream.

Dog, I been waiting on this game since this

If they don't hurry up and release this damn game...
i feel like since the patches for the pro the framerates have improved even on the OG ps4.

2k looks WAAAAAAY more crispy now.

my peoples noticed it as well.
Everybody Gone to the Rapture worth playing???
It's a single player narrative game so if you aren't into it you may not like it. Personally I liked the atmosphere and story of the game so I enjoyed it but it ain't for everyone. So give it a try and see if you like it b
It's a single player narrative game so if you aren't into it you may not like it. Personally I liked the atmosphere and story of the game so I enjoyed it but it ain't for everyone. So give it a try and see if you like it b

No sprint button, game is slow AF.
To preface, my impressions with the PS4 are on a 4K television with HDR. With Rise of the Tomb Raider, it looks absolutely gorgeous in 4K. The image is crisp and the faces, textures and environments are really well done. When you first walk in to the Prophet's Tomb, I couldn't help but to just look around and take in what I was seeing. While the quality of the 4K resolution is excellent, it does run in 30fps and for that reason, my preference is to play in the 1080p/60fps mode. This mode is what blew me away initially as I loved the smoothness of the gameplay. I didn't experience any hitches or noticeable drops in frame rate either; the game seemed to run at 60fps pretty consistently. The first two sequences of RotTR offer plenty of opportunity to showcase the 60fps and playing that alone made me comfortable with what the Pro is capable of. As comparison, I played RotTR on Xbox One when it launched and I thought the game looked great at that time. However, playing it on the Pro allows the game to truly shine. In my opinion, playing RotTR on the Pro is the definitive experience. And one more thing to add, I like that the developer offers three different modes to play on giving us a choice of what we're wanting in terms of higher resolution or higher frame rate.

Moving on to Battlefield 1, all I can say is you'll have to play it for yourself. I played it on the Xbox One S and it suffered from frame rate drops in multiplayer. To be fair, the PS4 version suffers from frame rate drops as well as neither of those versions are able to stay locked in at 60fps. My entire BF1 experience has solely been in multiplayer thus far. The game truly looks amazing in 4K and I didn't notice any type of frame rate drops either. Digital Foundry did an analysis and I believe they point out some things that hold it back from being exactly on par with the PC version in 4K, but honestly, when you're in the middle of playing Conquest or Operations and the game is running at a smooth 60fps, you don't really care for those truly minor things. From what I can see, there's just more detail in the environments which add to the depth and immersion of the game. Once again, I'd have to say that BF1 on the Pro is the definitive experience. This game was great as it was on Xbox One S for me, but playing it on the Pro brought it to another level.

With NBA 2K17, I'll say that the biggest difference I can see is with the crispness of the graphics and less jagged edges. I played this on the Xbox One S with HDR and was blown away, but seeing it in 4K really did make a difference for me. Everything just looks sharper and the main word I gravitate towards to when describing seeing these games in 4K is crisp. I believe this is one of the few titles that runs in 4K/60fps and it holds up with no hitches. To be honest, I play a ton of games and this year's 2K just didn't do enough to make me want to run it often, but after playing it on the Pro, I'm ready to start up the MyGM mode and play through some seasons.

As far whether or any of this is worth it is truly dependent on the consumer and what is available to you. While there is an overall increase in resolution and performance for 1080p users, I just don't know if it's worth it without a 4K television set. I'd be fine with just the base PS4 until the Pro drops in price or maybe when Horizon: Zero Dawn drops. But if you have disposable income or can trade in your old PS4 and get a good deal on the Pro, then sure, go for it. And if you have a 4K tv, spend enough time gaming and visit forums to read through paragraphs like I just wrote, then yeah, you'll want to pick up the Pro. Overall, I've been impressed with my experience. I bought a 4K tv because of the Pro and nothing has made me regret the purchase and if anything, it made my decision to jump to 4K worth it. The games I've played all look stunning and all of them run smoothly with no problems. I still need to try out The Last of Us, Skyrim and Uncharted 4 as well. I'm excited to see games such as FFXV and Horizon: Zero Dawn on this system and whatever else Sony has for it in the future.
Is the lack of the 4K bluray player important to you??. I'm thinking of getting the pro since I have a 4K tv with hdr.
Is the lack of the 4K bluray player important to you??. I'm thinking of getting the pro since I have a 4K tv with hdr.

Yes and no. No, because I own the Xbox One S. Yes, because I think Sony should have included it, but probably didn't to keep the $399 price point. Sony argues that they're banking on 4K content being accessible more widespread digitally; many supporters of this move argue for this point as well staying that physical disc purchases are close to dead. My personal preference would be to consume 4K content on disc to maintain the crispness. I don't know if 4K content also requires faster internet speeds, but I find that when I stream on Netflix, Hulu, etc., there is still buffering that occurs. I could only imagine it'd be the same or worse with a 4K movie.

While I think Sony may be right in that there will be plenty of 4K content to consume digitally, I would have liked that there be a 4K disc drive to provide me with option of how I want to consume 4K content.
Yes and no. No, because I own the Xbox One S. Yes, because I think Sony should have included it, but probably didn't to keep the $399 price point. Sony argues that they're banking on 4K content being accessible more widespread digitally; many supporters of this move argue for this point as well staying that physical disc purchases are close to dead. My personal preference would be to consume 4K content on disc to maintain the crispness. I don't know if 4K content also requires faster internet speeds, but I find that when I stream on Netflix, Hulu, etc., there is still buffering that occurs. I could only imagine it'd be the same or worse with a 4K movie.

While I think Sony may be right in that there will be plenty of 4K content to consume digitally, I would have liked that there be a 4K disc drive to provide me with option of how I want to consume 4K content.
Supposedly, 4k streaming looks worse than a 1080p bluray. Given, the bluray's bitrate is higher than the stream.

Not to mention all the data that's required to stream. 

If convience is highly desired, 4k streaming excels at that.
Yes and no. No, because I own the Xbox One S. Yes, because I think Sony should have included it, but probably didn't to keep the $399 price point. Sony argues that they're banking on 4K content being accessible more widespread digitally; many supporters of this move argue for this point as well staying that physical disc purchases are close to dead. My personal preference would be to consume 4K content on disc to maintain the crispness. I don't know if 4K content also requires faster internet speeds, but I find that when I stream on Netflix, Hulu, etc., there is still buffering that occurs. I could only imagine it'd be the same or worse with a 4K movie.

While I think Sony may be right in that there will be plenty of 4K content to consume digitally, I would have liked that there be a 4K disc drive to provide me with option of how I want to consume 4K content.
another question. When the Xbox one s upscales games to 4K do they look good?? I know this is the PS4 thread but it's a hard choice lol.
another question. When the Xbox one s upscales games to 4K do they look good?? I know this is the PS4 thread but it's a hard choice lol.

If you have a 4K TV, The PS Slim or XBone S should be out of the question IMO.
It should be between the pro and Scorpio at this point.
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It's a single player narrative game so if you aren't into it you may not like it. Personally I liked the atmosphere and story of the game so I enjoyed it but it ain't for everyone. So give it a try and see if you like it b
I had to stop after 30 minutes. I didn't get it at all. I'll probably pick it up again when I have nothing to play.
It's a single player narrative game so if you aren't into it you may not like it. Personally I liked the atmosphere and story of the game so I enjoyed it but it ain't for everyone. So give it a try and see if you like it b
I had to stop after 30 minutes. I didn't get it at all. I'll probably pick it up again later.
Telltale Games X Guardians of the Galaxy

Hopefully the film's OST is used.

Still waiting for that Telltale Games X Fullmetal Alchemist.
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