The Official "Tiger Woods Keeps That White Girl" Thread

:wow: Tiger may need that stability to get his game all the way back on track...but Elin is winning, for 350 mill she might even hope Tiger reverts to old form :lol:
if this allows him to play golf at the level expected, he'll make another 350mill to pay her.
he needs the edge, something on the line. This could be epic. Could...
He tryna win her over? More like buy her.

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Everyone has a price. One of the many life lessons I learned from the WWF.

All seriousness tho, he must really ******g love her. Shame it cost him half a billion dollars to find that out, but he must honestly be attached to this woman. If only he had thought of a pre-nup the first time, but I truly hope they stay together.

Couldn't be me tho.
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I dont see anything wrong with this. He has 600 mill...would you want 600m and be miserable or 300 with a chance to be happy with your family again?

He's clearly been living it up for the past yr or so, but that gets old.
Damn I might be the only one happy for him.
She's more than just some JO too. That's the mother of his children, dude just wants to be a family again....and she's smart too for getting all of that
That's the mother of his children, dude just wants to be a family again

this. it's funny some of you can't see that.

as far as the "asians can have him comment"...i think that says a lot
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National Enquirer. Really? You guys must have seen Teo's gf too 
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I hope this is an attempt for dude to use some legal loophole to get his dough back. I woulda been had shorty clapped on some accidental sh....
honestly my biggest problem with tiger is the fact that he cheated on this :smh:



oh but this is NT so ib4 AWG, which is flat out ********. this woman's body is just about perfect. and this is model quality, idk how kate upton got a modeling job her body looks fugazi esp compared to this.

damn near 9 or more/10 wife, with 2 kids and you gonna **** it up with less attractive breezys? :smh: ill never cheat but even i know if you cheat you better do it with someone who beats out the person your cheating on in looks. yea im kinda salty.

and now he's offering some sort of box office NBA type contract to resign his wife? if she accepts its cuz she wants money. dude broke that womans heart no amount of cash in the world is gonna have her "loving" you again. 1 woman is bad enough but you midas well spit in elin's face if you smashed SEVEN women. tiger got it twisted, if she could get away with it, she'd cut his balls off.

actually surprised dude had paper like that still...
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Maybe he wants to be happy with a family again? And there is no price for happiness. You guys calling him simps are probably forever alone.
Maybe he wants to be happy with a family again? And there is no price for happiness. You guys calling him simps are probably forever alone.

cosign. yea i wouldn't say its simpin either. the money makes it seem that way i guess. and i believe he wants a family again. but even with the hundreds of mils, elin is gonna have a tough time forgetting this dude was balls deep in mad broads while married...wasn't this during their anniv or something? :nerd:
I always knew Eldrick was an NT'er :lol:

Seriously though, I see the argument of that being the mother of his children. Um, you can be a family, albeit a somewhat broken one. Parents being divorced doesn't necessarily produce wacked out kids if the parents don't lose sight that they want to raise their kids together but understand that their relationship is over. It can be done. The fact that he thinks this now is stupid as hell. Why couldn't he just think ahead before he did what he did and saved himself some bread. Getting back together for the children's sake isn't a good enough reason, sorry.

That clause ain't gon' stop you from your human nature b. Nice try tho.
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honestly my biggest problem with tiger is the fact that he cheated on this :smh:



oh but this is NT so ib4 AWG, which is flat out ********. this woman's body is just about perfect. and this is model quality, idk how kate upton got a modeling job her body looks fugazi esp compared to this.

damn near 9 or more/10 wife, with 2 kids and you gonna **** it up with less attractive breezys? :smh: ill never cheat but even i know if you cheat you better do it with someone who beats out the person your cheating on in looks. yea im kinda salty.

Idc how bomb your spouse is, if you eat your favorite plate everyday sooner or later your gonna wanna taste something new. Nd with a status like Tigers, you can take a trip to the five-star buffet and have the most delicious cuisines thrown at you FREE, and tell me you wouldn't be tempted? 9/10 men would.

This is why guys like Eric Benet, and Tiger do what they do. Give me Halle Berry right now, and 5 years down the road, ME... and avg joe, would more then likely would do the same.
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