The Official Tennis Thread (Vol. 2024 US Open)

nadal the iverson of tennis... his career is done for... i hope im wrong because im a huge rafa fan but to be up 2 sets and lose in a major.... but not only that he just had a bad year in general...i was hoping he would come out strong in this tournament but i knew before the match an upset was going to happen... he plays with a lot of passion but he grinds a lot compared to the big 3 novak, roger and andy he puts too much effort into each point which takes a toll on his body... the decline of rafa is only beginning :x
That look on Nadals face, heartbreaking.

Well deserved win though. Some of those winners were amazing.
nadal the iverson of tennis... his career is done for... i hope im wrong because im a huge rafa fan but to be up 2 sets and lose in a major.... but not only that he just had a bad year in general...i was hoping he would come out strong in this tournament but i knew before the match an upset was going to happen... he plays with a lot of passion but he grinds a lot compared to the big 3 novak, roger and andy he puts too much effort into each point which takes a toll on his body... the decline of rafa is only beginning
A lot of people predicted his game wouldn't age well the older he got.

They were right, but I don't think they expected this far of a decline.
Ridiculous... absolutely ridiculous stuff from Fog... Top-10 talent can never follow it up with the right attitude... SMH.
Remember, it took Muzz about a year to find his form after his back injury.  

Not saying Rafa will or won't find it again... it's different for each player, but you can't expect a player to just get back into it.

But tonight, it was all about Fog's shots... slapping winners left and right.  
Given their history, a Foggy win wasn't that unexpected, but it was HOW he won. Rafa just couldn't win any second serve points in the 5th. All credit to Fabio though, thought he was done after dropping the 8th game in the 5th set (when he was up 40 love).

BTW, anyone know where to watch the player conferences live? Tennis channel is showing some afternoon wrap up. :smh:
im hoping rafa just had a bad year and will come back strong and will win a major or two next year... still think he should stick with uncle toni... still disappointed rafa 10 year streak with 1 major win is broken :smh:
im hoping rafa just had a bad year and will come back strong and will win a major or two next year... still think he should stick with uncle toni... still disappointed rafa 10 year streak with 1 major win is broken
I think he needs to add a new coach to his team.

His current knee-destroying game is no bueno. Uncle Toni low-key ruining his nephew.
uncle toni gave rafa a great career with a lot of major wins and basically dominant in roland garros... still think rafa should add more to his game so he can play the game more easy instead of grinding every single point
uncle toni gave rafa a great career with a lot of major wins and basically dominant in roland garros... still think rafa should add more to his game so he can play the game more easy instead of grinding every single point
Agreed, by 'ruining,' I meant he's letting Nadal play this style just because he's won with it for the majority of the time.

Now he's getting older and his grinding style / fighting for each point ideology has hurt him. Let's see if Uncle Toni lets him adapt to another style.
I don't think it's fair to blame Uncle Toni for Rafa's struggles. Rafa should be able to adapt his style during the course of a match based on his tennis smarts and his experience. He started the match playing more aggressive, which shows me that he has it in him. Back in 2013 Rafa played some of the most aggressive tennis he's played and he got two majors that year.
I don't remember this being discussed in here. But thoughts on Federer's surprise half volley return of serve tactic?

I like it and get the idea of taking away timing and disrupting rhythm but does anyone thing some players may take offense to it? Then again it is Federer.
It's a perfectly legitimate tactic.  You won't see a lot of people do it cuz it's very hard to time, but if you're seeing the ball like a grapefruit, and can pull it off, then why not?

It also depends on the server... some serves are easier to read than others. 

It might be too high-risk to do it all the time... I haven't watched any of his matches, but I'm guessing he picks & chooses when he does it.  Probably during the business end of a set to put more pressure on the serve.  

I guess it's like trying to hit a winner vs a guy at the net.  Normally, you'd try to pass on them on the left or right for a clean winner... but if you're gonna aim the ball at them, we're taught to aim for their right hip (if they are right-handers).  That's the hardest place to volley a ball.  
Since he's so well respected in the tennis world, I can't imagine a whole lot of players taking offense by it.
I don't necessarily see it an issue of respect.  He's well-respected, yes, but if he does something grey-area unsportsmanlike, I don't think the other players are gonna give him a pass just because it's him.  
^I only really meant that specific tactic on court, but yeah, no one gets a pass for something of that nature, especially in this age of social media.

Looks like I missed a hell of a match. Damn, Rafa... Fog becomes the first player ever to defeat Nadal at a Slam after being down two sets.

Really looking forward to Kerber-Vika later on.
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Meh. If she's really that injured she should withdraw from the entire event. I don't think anybody sees her as a major player even though the draw is pretty much depleted by now anyway. I think Vika is about to get washed by Kerber.
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That was incredible... match of the tourney so far... match of the year perhaps... so far anyway. 
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